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Pedigree Database

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Conformation ShowingPost your dogs stacked pictures...10.3 years ago
Conformation ShowingPost your dogs stacked pictures...10.3 years ago
Conformation ShowingPost your dogs stacked pictures...10.3 years ago
MainSaying Good bye10.3 years ago
German Shepherd DogBreeder and Pedigree Questions10.5 years ago
German Shepherd DogSuccess Story!!!11.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogNew puppy :)11.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogDrago Patriot11.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogPrescription dog food, and/or alternatives.11.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogWhy would anyone want a dog like this?11.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogWhy would anyone want a dog like this?11.3 years ago
German Shepherd DogPedigree Information 11.3 years ago
German Shepherd Dog Bomber vom Wolfsheim offsrping Studs 11.3 years ago
German Shepherd DogX-ray opinions 11.3 years ago
German Shepherd Dog Bomber vom Wolfsheim offsrping Studs 11.3 years ago
German Shepherd DogX-ray opinions 11.3 years ago
German Shepherd DogFocus von der Piste Trophe11.4 years ago
German Shepherd DogFocus von der Piste Trophe11.4 years ago
German Shepherd DogGerman Shepherd with Short Legs?11.5 years ago
German Shepherd DogOh my goodness...poor German Shepherd...11.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogMaggie 21 months old11.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogAdaquan injections11.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogAdaquan injections11.6 years ago
Conformation Showing14 month old American girl11.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWL - Line Breeding... Which would you choose and why?11.6 years ago


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