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German Shepherd Dog - Male
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker
Kkl 1
Sire Born: 28. October 2001
DKK 18981/01 (SZ 2128019)
Hip: SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) - Elbows: Not known
Tattoo: T 30497
Breed report
SchH3VA1 BSZS 2001 Ursus von Batu SchH31995SZ 1932624 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire Groß, sehr typ- und ausdrucksvoll, sehr guter Kopf, korrekte Gebäudeverhältnisse, trocken und fest. Hoher Widerrist, sehr gute Ober- und Unterlinie, gute Kruppe. Sehr gute Winkelungen der Vor- und Hinterhand, korrekte Brustverhältnisse, gerade Front, geradetretend, sehr raumgreifende, kraftvolle Gänge mit freiem Vortritt und sehr gutem Nachschub. Wesen sicher, Härte, Mut und Kampftrieb ausgeprägt; läßt ab. | SCHH3VA1(I) Hobby vom Gletschertopf SCHH31993SZ 1859356 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SCHH3, FHVA1 Jeck vom Noricum SCHH3, FH1987SZ 1705812 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Sire |
SCHH1V Quitta von der Ehrenfeste SCHH11990SZ 1773647 HD-noch zugelassen Dam | ||
SCHH2V Verena von Batu SCHH21992SZ 1834230 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | SchH3VA1 Zamb von der Wienerau SchH31987SZ 1696277 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
SCHH2V Maxi von Batu SCHH21988SZ 1736991 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
SCHH3, IPO3, BHP3VA3 VA1(DK) Karat's Olly SCHH3, IPO3, BHP31997DK 03607/97 (SZ 2015361) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam Over middelstor, udtalt harmonisk, ædel og velbygget, typefast, udtryksfuld tæve. Smukt, udtryksfuldt hoved, mørke øjne, korrekt forløbende overlinie, velansat høj manke, fast ryg og lænd, velformet kryds af særdeles god længde. Særdeles godt vinklet for, fortrinligt vinklet bag, særdeles gode brystforhold, lige for. Bevægelsen er langtrækkende og kraftfulde med fortrinligt fraskub og effektivt og langt fremgreb. KMH udpræget, slipper. Særlige bemærkninger: En tæve med megen udstråling og udtalt harmoni med et korrekt bevægelsessystem og udtalt fasthed i alle forhold. En tæve, der bør tilføres de allerbedste hanner for at fastholde egne kvaliteter. | SCHH3V Yoker vom Lechtal SCHH31994SZ 1911557 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SCHH32X VA2 Karly von Arminius SCHH31991SZ 1829910 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
SCHH3VA3(I) V14 Randi vom Lechtal SCHH31991SZ 1811000 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
SCHH3, IPO3, BHP3SG Karat's Ronda SCHH3, IPO3, BHP31993DK 28364/93 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (Dänemark) Dam | SCHH3VA1 Ulk von Arlett SCHH31990SZ 1769704 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | |
BHP3VA2(DK) Karat's Jenka BHP31991DKK 02880/91 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 03:55 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by dexterr on 07 September 2009 - 15:09
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 04:04 am
I happen to own a dog from one of his litters! :)
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by kcravenyote on 13 February 2008 - 04:02
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 02:08 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Paulaner on 23 October 2007 - 02:10
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 09:20 am
Does karat yoker progeny second generation have good bone? i have a odin puppy in karat yoker line , He seems to be heavy bone and slightly longer than usual. Is it the karat yorker of odin holtkamper?
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by skywalker on 18 March 2007 - 09:03
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 05:00 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by ice on 15 December 2006 - 17:12
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:10 pm
this male about stp .16th 2006.into CHina
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Racheal on 11 September 2006 - 23:09
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:17 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Martin on 10 September 2006 - 23:09
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 07:14 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Soli on 10 September 2006 - 19:09
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 09:10 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Racheal on 10 September 2006 - 09:09
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 04:38 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by sudi on 31 July 2006 - 16:07
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 08:59 pm
In my opinion he is one of the best good looking GSD in the world.
Beautiful colour, strong head good in construction..
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by AMD on 10 October 2004 - 20:10
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 04:49 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Enrique on 15 June 2004 - 16:06
Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:19 am
Jimmy B & Heidi R Rasmussen.
Mølledraget 3, 8653 Them, Denmark.
Tlf & Fax +45 86 84 84 95
Cellular: +45 22 23 49 00
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Wolf on 04 June 2004 - 00:06
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:37 pm
I am very pleased to see that it appears she's produced several nice progeny as a brood bitch.
Anyway, does anyone know if it is it likely this dog will ever come to the US or does anyone know the web address of his owner?
Thanks in advance,
Kathaleen Strong
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by InflightGSD on 03 June 2004 - 23:06
Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:53 am
do you know e-mail or fax of his owner?
Thank you.
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Marco on 03 June 2004 - 00:06
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 07:00 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Double B on 30 January 2004 - 19:01
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 04:43 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Ole on 30 January 2004 - 16:01
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 08:30 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by July on 29 January 2004 - 20:01
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 03:58 pm
Now here is a very nice representation of Yoker's future producing ability from one of his first litters. Best of luck to Hudson and his owner Francois, may he realize his full potential.
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Andrew on 13 January 2004 - 15:01
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 04:01 am
I don't think what Solo said brings any prejudice to Yoker - he's a great dog, not perfect, as there is no such thing as a perfect dog, but beautiful and breeders will use him as a stud minding his little faults, that's all.
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by July on 22 December 2003 - 04:12
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 01:56 am
Chad, Why don't you tell us who you are?
Solo is David Payne - now that is not difficult is it?
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by solo on 22 December 2003 - 01:12
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 07:09 pm
How many people actually have seen the dogs they comment on in person?
A picture is not always better than a thousand words!
Pictures are a wonderful introduction for those of us not fortunate enough to see a dog in person, but before commenting on a dog you should pay close attention to the observations and critiques of those who have actually been around the dog.
You can not ascertain the dogs movement, structure in natural environment, nor its temperament and character from a photo.
I find it exciting to see a possible up and coming star and imagine the positive impact he or she may have on the breed. Thats what makes our hobby so much fun. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and used correctly this forum is a wonderful place to have many open and honest exchanges.
Put aside the negativity unless you can state any problems or things to be aware of from your personal observations and experiences.
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Andrew on 21 December 2003 - 19:12
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 06:33 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by chad on 21 December 2003 - 18:12
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 06:00 pm
And isn`t it so, that there is something you can "point your finger at" on every dog.
So i think Yoker is a very betifull dog, that deserves to be given a fair chance. But i also think that it is a good thing, that there is a discussion going on, when there are well known dogs.
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Ole on 21 December 2003 - 18:12
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 01:34 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Schaeferhund on 21 December 2003 - 13:12
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:47 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Big B on 21 December 2003 - 10:12
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 09:33 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by solo on 21 December 2003 - 09:12
Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 03:12 pm
The site listed below shows a more recent photo of him. You can see how well he has matured since the last photo posted here. f
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Andrew on 19 October 2003 - 15:10
Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 12:06 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Per on 03 October 2003 - 12:10
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 03:30 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Kejnajn on 01 October 2003 - 15:10
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 09:35 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by dshfan on 01 October 2003 - 09:10
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 09:07 pm
This is a minor imperfection if he comes at you cleanly and has tight feet. Even Ursus stood east-west as a young dog. You can see this in many of his pictures. Some (obviously, not all) dogs stand a little east-west in order to maintain better static equilibrium.
Do this test with YOURSELF. Try to stand with your feet fairly close and pointed straight ahead of you. If someone pushes against your shoulder, you may tend to lose your balance. Try the same test with your feet a little further apart and a tad east-west. See what I mean?
Louise M. Penery
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Louise M. Penery on 17 September 2003 - 21:09
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 03:59 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Kerry on 17 September 2003 - 03:09
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 01:00 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by solo on 16 September 2003 - 01:09
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:30 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Dyanesh on 15 September 2003 - 23:09
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 09:22 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Wolf on 15 September 2003 - 21:09
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 08:08 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by sago on 15 September 2003 - 20:09
Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 07:27 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by July on 15 September 2003 - 19:09
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 07:58 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Wolf on 07 September 2003 - 19:09
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 02:34 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by SimlaMirch on 07 September 2003 - 14:09
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 05:48 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by nummer ein on 06 September 2003 - 05:09
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 07:54 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by wizard on 05 September 2003 - 19:09
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:23 pm
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Double B on 03 September 2003 - 12:09
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 11:58 am
VA1(DK) Karat's Yoker SCHH3, IPO3, BHP2, FH1 by Visum on 03 September 2003 - 11:09