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German Shepherd Dog - Female
3X CAN SEL CH (US/C) BrownHill-Kysarah's Worth It
Dam born: 10. June 2001
AKC DL88334601
Hip: OFA: Good GS-67964G28F-PI - Elbows: OFA: Normal GS-EL15764F28-PI
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROM OFA TC PTSEL CH (US) Sirius Park's Worth The Trip ROM OFA TC PT1999AKC DL78505301 HD-OFA: Fair GS-61906F27M-PI Sire | TC HIC ROM2000 GV CH Hickoryhill's Bull Durham TC HIC ROM1996AKC DL63899802 HD-OFA: Good GS-52425G25M-T Sire | ROM1996 GV CH (US) Stoneway's Uecker ROM1993AKC DL48703204 06-95 HD-OFA: Fair GS-45985F35M Sire |
Hundehaus Zoee Rosita1992AKC DL43458405 10-94 HD- Dam | ||
CH (US) Sirius Park's Ivy League1991AKC DL37681603 HD-OFA: Good GS-40482G46F-T Dam | ROMCH (AKC) Jo San's Enterprise ROM1989AKC D875194 HD- Sire | |
ROMRustic's Q.T. ROM1984AKC D285558 HD- Dam | ||
ROM, ROMCCH (CAN) Brownhill Valcos Clean Sweep ROM, ROMC1993AKC DL49409003 HD-OFA: Fair GS-51567F27F-T Dam | TC, ROMCH (US) Farmil's Desert Storm TC, ROM1991AKC DL36600509 HD-OFA: Good GS-34549G28M Sire | Farmils Samuri1986AKC D519650 HD- Sire |
TCCharette's Chelsea of Farmil TC1988AKC D793169 HD- Dam | ||
CD, TCCH (US) Valco's Key Largo v Schokrest CD, TC1988AKC D813384 HD-OFA: Good GS-31587G43F Dam | Dolmar's Montego1986AKC D494322 (06-88) HD-OFA: Good GS-22722G26M Sire | |
CH Schokrest Pacific Dancer1983AKC D216680 HD-OFA: Good GS-17296 Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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