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Pedigree Database

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This web site and the materials contained herein have been prepared by pedigreedatabase.com for informational purposes only. This information may or may not reflect actual registered information. Visitors to this website should not act upon any information contained in this website without first seeking the advice their nations kennel club.  While the internet crosses the state and national boundaries, this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended and and does not constitute for actual certified pedigree information.  Please reference our privacy statement for information regarding our confidential treatment of all personal identifying information.

pedigreedatabase.com is  privately owned and is a tool to allow breed enthusiasts to maintain pedigree records online.  By joining breed comminities and allowing online submission,  the site aims to offer the broadest pedigree range possible without having direct access to the AKC, FCI, etc. pedigree registrations.

Pedigreedatabase.com does not verify pedigrees nor does it guarantee that they are correct. The data within is informational and submitted by it's users. For verified pedigrees aquire them from the respective kennel club.


Material published on pedigreedatabase.com is copyrighted by pedigreedatabase.com. Users and Members of pedigreedatabase.com may not reproduce, republish or redistribute material found on this web site in any form without the express written consent of pedigreedatabase.com or the original copyright holder.

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pedigreedatabase.com, and all unique graphics (except third party graphics) on pedigreedatabase.com are trademarks.


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