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German Shepherd Dog - Male
Ulan vom Susannenhain
Sire Born: 06. October 1985
AKC D597700
Hip: OFA: Good GS-21534G31M-T - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
SchH3V Bill vom Haus Gaerra SchH31982SZ 1551026 HD-fast normal Sire | SchH3VA1 Canto von Arminius SchH31972SZ 1277394 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SchH3V1 Canto von der Wienerau SchH31968SZ 1176588 HD-zuerkannt Sire |
SchH1V Frigga von Ecclesia Nova SchH11970SZ 1222617 HD-zuerkannt Dam | ||
SchH3V Kira vom Haus Pe-Ja SchH31978SZ 1442394 HD-fast normal Dam | SCHH3, FHVA6 Gauner vom Gründel SCHH3, FH1973SZ 1291444 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Sire | |
SchH3/FHV Nora vom Haus Pe-Ja SchH3/FH1972SZ HD-zuerkannt Dam | ||
V 21 BSZS Joschi vom Hülsbach1981SZ 1518419 HD-fast normal Dam | SchH3VA1 Dingo vom Haus Gero SchH31978SZ 1449693 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | SCHH3, FHV Cäsar von Arminius SCHH3, FH1972SZ 1277393 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
SCHH2V Britta von der Malvenburg SCHH21974SZ 1314771 HD-SV: HD a-noch zugelassen (a3) Dam | ||
SchH2VA8 Antje vom Hülsbergtal SchH21976SZ 1392661 HD-normal Dam | SchH3V 45 Gundo von der Modauquelle SchH31972SZ 1262997 HD-zuerkannt Sire | |
SchH2V Lexa von der Prinzenbrücke SchH21974SZ 1316496 HD-fast normal Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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