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German Shepherd Dog - Male
Kuno von Starkenburg (1918)
Sire Born: 11. November 1918
SZ 70450
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
Heini von Starkenburg1908SZ 5433 HD- Sire | SCHH31906/07 SGR Roland von Starkenburg (1903) SCHH31903SZ 1537 HD- Sire | SchH3V Heinz von Starkenburg SchH3SVALT 990253 HD- Sire |
Bella von Starkenburg (@1900)SVALT 990041 HD- Dam | ||
HGHHelma von Starkenburg HGH1905SZ 5432 (Band 6) HD- Dam | HGHPax vom Brenztal (AKA Fritz) HGH1902SZ 1438 HD- Sire | |
HGHBerta (Hündin) HGHSVALT 990049 HD- Dam | ||
Herka von Starkenburg1914SZ 53404 HD- Dam | Rex Jägerslust1912SZ 34285 HD- Sire | SCHH3/PH1911/12 SGR Norbert vom Kohlwald SCHH3/PH1909SZ 9264 HD- Sire |
Alma vom Martinsberg1909SZ 8589 HD- Dam | ||
Mara von Starkenburg1909SZ 9591 HD- Dam | SCHH31906/07 SGR Roland von Starkenburg (1903) SCHH31903SZ 1537 HD- Sire | |
HGHHelma von Starkenburg HGH1905SZ 5432 (Band 6) HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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