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German Shepherd Dog - Female
SEL CH Cobert's Zephyr of Windigail
Dam born: 16. December 1976
AKC WD631515 (11-79)
Hip: OFA: Normal GS-9674 - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMSEL CH (US/CAN) Cobert's Reno of Lakeside ROM1970AKC WB774939 (05-72) HD-OFA: Normal GS-2270 Sire | ROM1967 GV CH (US/CAN) Lance of Fran-Jo ROM1964AKC WA466021 (09-65) HD-OFA: Normal (GS-401) Sire | ROMSEL CH (US) Fortune of Arbywood ROM1957AKC W862973 (04-63) HD- Sire |
ROMFrohlich's Elsa v Grunes Tahl ROM1958AKC W960831 (06-60) HD- Dam | ||
ROMCobert's Melissa ROM1967AKC WA912988 (03-69) HD- Dam | CDCH (US) Falk of Bihari Wonder CDAKC WA469880 07-67 HD- Sire | |
CDCH., ROM (US) Cobert's Ernestine CD1960AKC WA161142 11-62 HD- Dam | ||
ROMCH (US) Cobert's Windsong ROM1973AKC WC464878 05-77 HD- Dam | ROM1973 GV CH (US) Scorpio of Shiloh Gardens ROM1972AKC WC175119 10-73 HD- Sire | ROM1971 GV CH (US) Mannix of Fran-Jo ROM1967AKC WB018795 06-69 HD- Sire |
Waldesruh's Pud Shiloh Garden1969AKC WB522731 12-71 HD- Dam | ||
ROMSEL CH (US) Cobert's Golly Gee of Lakeside ROM1968AKC WB266423 (06-71) HD- Dam | ROM1967 GV CH (US/CAN) Lance of Fran-Jo ROM1964AKC WA466021 (09-65) HD-OFA: Normal (GS-401) Sire | |
ROMCobert's Melissa ROM1967AKC WA912988 (03-69) HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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