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German Shepherd Dog - Male
GV CH (US) Kismet's Impulse von Bismark
Sire Born: 08. September 1974
AKC WD286366
Hip: OFA: Normal GS-7419 - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMCH (US) Marty von Bid-Scono ROM1972AKC WC361302 12-73 HD-OFA: Normal GS-4765 Sire | ROMCH Eko-Lan's Paladen ROM1968AKC WB424558 (08-70) HD-OFA: Normal (GS-1374) Sire | ROMSEL CH Eko-Lan's Morgan ROM1967AKC WB105335 (02-69) HD- Sire |
ROMEko-Lan's Glory ROM1966AKC WB003637 (02-69) HD- Dam | ||
1971 GVX CH (US) Aloha v Bid-Scono1966AKC WA865148 09-70 HD- Dam | CH (US) Waldo Von Bid-Scono1960AKC WA081612 HD- Sire | |
CH Kiela v Bid-SconoAKC WA158730 HD- Dam | ||
CH Von Bismark Dark Angel1970AKC WB523512 HD- Dam | ROMSEL CH (US) Storm Haven's Dolf ROM1962AKC WA411078 HD- Sire | SCHHII AD ROMV/CH (US) Bernd Vom Kallengarten SCHHII AD ROM1957SZ 951853 (AKC W990347 (03-60)) HD- Sire |
Venus Of Storm Haven1961AKC WA182157 [12-62] HD- Dam | ||
Tannenwald's JezebelAKC WA604434 HD- Dam | Jardo's Kurt of Cosalta1963AKC WA393591 HD- Sire | |
Storm's Katydid of LyncottAKC WA176423 HD- Dam |
Picture galleries
Kismet's Impulse von Bismark
By GSD Lineage - 10.3 years ago
available images & information for Kismet's Impulse von Bismark
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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