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German Shepherd Dog -
CH Hilde v Starrenburg
Dam born: 12. April 1928
AKC 873396
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
SCHHINT CH Falko von Cleve SCHH 1924SZ 275759 (AKC 666915 vol 46) HD- Sire | Ch (US) Curt von Brunnenhof 1921SZ 124908 (AKC 628963 vol 45) HD- Sire | PH, AMERICAN GRAND VICTOR 1922SGR 1920 CH(AKC) Erich von Grafenwerth [Hamilton] PH, AMERICAN GRAND VICTOR 1922 1918SZ 71141 / AKC 323540 Vol 38 HD- Sire |
Adi Bergerslust 1919SZ 77424 HD- Dam | ||
Della von der Lohburg 1921SZ 262549 HD- Dam | Gerno von Mundtsdorf 1919SZ 68245 HD- Sire | |
Dolly von Stettin 1915SZ 61692 HD- Dam | ||
ZPRBlume von der Starrenburg ZPR 1924SZ 261499 HD- Dam | SchHAlf von der Schaumburg SchH 1921SZ 120321 HD- Sire | PHOESGR 1921, V, US.CH. Geri von Oberklamm PH 1917SZ 65867 (AKC 326000) HD- Sire |
PH SCHH1Flora vom Papenkamp PH SCHH1 1919SZ 71984 HD- Dam | ||
SCHHBella von Bernhardbrunnen SCHH 1922SZ 166583 HD- Dam | SchH3V Dolf vom Margaretental SchH3 1920SZ 94626 HD- Sire | |
PHPrinzeß (Steffen) PH 1919SZ 119989 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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