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German Shepherd Dog - Female
Rufina von Wendelin
Dam born: 04. November 2020
CKC HW4050797
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
IGP3SG Norik Bohemia Abakan IGP32017CMKU DS/106913/17 HD-DLK 0/0 Sire Kör: 5CV1/P 2.tř. | IPO 3, FPR 3, BH, ZVV 2, ZPS 1V Fantom ze Stribrneho kamene IPO 3, FPR 3, BH, ZVV 2, ZPS 12011CMKU 84565/11 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SCHH3, IPO3, BHSG, 5×UM CR Larry ze Stribrneho kamene SCHH3, IPO3, BH2004CMKU 54254/04/07 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire |
WUSV UNIVERSAL VICE SIEGERIN 2011, IPO3, SCHH3, FPr3, ZVV1V Paris von der Mohnwiese WUSV UNIVERSAL VICE SIEGERIN 2011, IPO3, SCHH3, FPr3, ZVV12007SZ 2198716 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
ZVV1SG Jackie Bohemia Abakan ZVV12012CMKU 85275/12 HD-DKK 0/0 (Czech Republic) Dam | Czech Police Dog, ZVV1, H-2, P-1, SPMSG Hronek z Pohranicni Straze Czech Police Dog, ZVV1, H-2, P-1, SPM2003CMKU 49340/03 HD-0/0 CZ Sire | |
IPO3SG Gira Bohemia Abakan IPO32007CMKU 66686/07/10 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
Marley von Wendelin2012CKC ZG453128 HD- Dam | ZVV3V Navar Hronovsky pramen ZVV32004CMKU 53548/04/06 (CKC 1109234) HD-1/2 (CZ) SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | ZVV2V Pluto z Pohranicni straze ZVV22000CMKU DS/40979/00/02 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire |
ZVV1G Kami Hronovsky pramen ZVV1CMKU 27055/96/00 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ||
ZVV1, ZPO1SG Tina Jipo-Me ZVV1, ZPO12003CMKU 48285/03 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV3, ZPS1, 2*ÚM ČRSG Dargo Ha-Ja-Da IPO3, SCHH3, ZVV3, ZPS1, 2*ÚM ČR1998CMKU DS/34207/98/00 HD-CZ 2/1, SV fast normal Sire | |
5CV1/P, ZVV1SG Ossi z Antdagu 5CV1/P, ZVV11998CMKU 34532/98 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam |
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