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German Shepherd Dog - Male
V Moody z Jirkova Dvora
Sire Born: 27. February 2013
CMKU DS/89543/13
Hip: 0/0 - Elbows: 0/0
DNA: yes
Tattoo: 07744
Breed report
Kör: 5VQ1/P
IPO3, SCHH1V Art ze Sumavské doliny IPO3, SCHH12007CMKU 64584/07 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire Kör: 5JY1/P 2011-2012 | ZVV3, IPO3, FH1, ZPS2, ZPO1, SCHH2SG Piko Bret Bett (Rudi) ZVV3, IPO3, FH1, ZPS2, ZPO1, SCHH22002CMKU DS/46940/02 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | ZVV1, ZPO1V Furo Kamos ZVV1, ZPO11998CMKU 32729/98/00 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire |
ZVV1,G Oni Honajzer ZVV1,CKS DS/19673/94/96 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
ZVV1SG Urika ze Zacpalova chovu ZVV12003CMKU 51323/03/06 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ZM, ZV2, ZPO1, SCHHA, SCHH3, IPO2, RH-FLA, RH-TAV Ary z Valského údolí ZM, ZV2, ZPO1, SCHHA, SCHH3, IPO2, RH-FLA, RH-TA1997CMKU 29586 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
ZPS 1, ZM, ZVV1SG Jennie z Pohranicni straze ZPS 1, ZM, ZVV1CMKU DS/39092/00/02 HD-0/0 Dam | ||
ZVV2V Tana z Jirkova dvora ZVV22008CMKU DS/69995/08/11 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam 5V1/P | ZVV1, ZPO1V Panter Aritar Bastet ZVV1, ZPO12005ČMKU 55962/05 (AKC DN16481102) HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire | IPO3, SCHH1V Jaguar Aritar Bastet IPO3, SCHH12002CMKU 46258/02/04 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire |
ZVV1SG Greta z Osobovske skaly ZVV11999CMKU 38034/99 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
ZVV1SG Rosa z Golha ZVV12005CMKU DS/58437/05/07 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | CAT, RES. CACIT, ZVV3, IPO3, ZPO1, ZPS1V Xant z Jirkova dvora CAT, RES. CACIT, ZVV3, IPO3, ZPO1, ZPS12002CMKU DS/45614/02/04 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire | |
SCHH1, IPO1, ZVV1SG Lara z Golha SCHH1, IPO1, ZVV1CMKU DS/45013/02/04 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam |
Picture galleries
Moody sitting
By Prager - 8.5 years ago
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 01:26 pm
V Moody z Jirkova Dvora IPO3, BH by Shadow Land shepherds on 23 August 2016 - 13:08