The Definitive German Shepherd Dog - Auth: Louis Donald - Page 1

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by CSMHM0 on 07 March 2024 - 00:03

Hello all,

Have you acquired this must read for your library?

I have many books in mine, but this is by far the most comprehensive I've seen on our wonderful breed.



by LMA on 07 March 2024 - 12:03

Looks pretty informative. I watched the video on his website that gives a brief overview. I stopped the video on one of the slides of a page, where it goes into "limb loading". Definitely a deep dive, compared to most dog books I've read..

by Marilyn on 08 March 2024 - 14:03

I purchased a copy and it truly is an amazing book. A welcome addition to my GSD library.

by Marilyn on 14 June 2024 - 21:06

I purchased a copy. A brilliant book on our breed. A must have If you have the well-being of our breed at heart.


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