Question about dog eating something questionable - Need advice ASAP - Page 1

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by GSDtravels on 01 January 2014 - 14:01

Alright, I never thought I'd ask this question, but here I am.  My dog never, and I mean never gets into my garbage.  My grandchildren are here and while preparing dinner, I cleaned out the fridge.  I found many questionable items that could have been in there for more than a month.  My nephew lives with me and I don't usually touch what's his.  Today, I opened everthing and there were things that were unrecognizable.  I put it in the garbage and went to dance with the kids.  I backed into the dining room and saw him eating from the can.  I have no idea what he ate, how old it was, if it had bones, etc., etc.

Should I or should I not induce vomitting?  Anything I can do other than have his stomach pumped?

I think it had something to do with the kids being here, but I just don't know, he's seven and has never touched garbage before.  But that's another discussion.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 01 January 2014 - 14:01

I probably wouldn't worry beyond keeping a good eye on him. Dogs can stomach things that would make us sick. My 2 cents for what it is worth.


by Jenni78 on 01 January 2014 - 14:01

How long ago was it?

If it was recently, you can make him vomit it up with hydrogen peroxide, but only if you're confident there was nothing toxic in there where inducing vomiting would be contraindicated. 


by Jenni78 on 01 January 2014 - 14:01

BTW, I do agree w/Admin; I'm just saying there are better, less invasive ways to find out what went in than stomach pumping. Stray dogs eat from trash cans all the time. Not ideal...but it happens. 


by GSDtravels on 01 January 2014 - 14:01

Okay, thanks for the advice.  I prefer salt to induce vomitting, it less of a mess.  But I'll keep an eye on him, I'll be here all day.  Thanks, I appreciate the advice.


by Jenni78 on 01 January 2014 - 15:01

My dogs don't throw up, at least the ones related to Capri don't. It takes a combo of salt, peroxide, and large plastic spoons to gag them with to induce vomiting. It's not fun. Iron constitution would be an understatement. 

I'm sure Drake will be fine- if he's not a trash picker, I bet there was something he thought was really good and didn't eat anything really dangerous...just rotten. 


by Sunsilver on 01 January 2014 - 15:01

I had a similar thing happen once. In this case I KNEW what it was: extremely rotten bits of steak I'd left in the back of the fridge.

The problem is if this stuff goes through their system, it can often make them ill (garbage gastritis, the vets call it). They will have lethargy, loss of appetite, gas, and, eventually everything's going to explode out the other end.  My preference would be to go for the hydrogen peroxide. Better it come out the way it went in, before it has a chance to make the dog sick!

Just my 2 cents worth... What Smile


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 January 2014 - 16:01

If it was in your fridge I doubt it would harm the dog... I would not do a thing except watch the dog so that you can let him out if he starts to throw something up...
Bad dog !!
I once watched a dog pass a garbage


by Jenni78 on 01 January 2014 - 16:01

Agree w/Moons. Unless there was medication or something in the trash, it's just rotten food, which dogs are well-equipped to deal with. I'd put him away from my expensive Oriental rugs and wait and see. He's a healthy adult; he should be fine. As I said before, if I catch them in the act and it's something dangerous that could cause a perforation or impaction or seious illness, I'll use peroxide. If it's just nasty food, past the point where I'd eat it, I'd give them Phazyme as a precaution for gas (only for bloat dangers) and call it a day. Mine have eaten some pretty rank stuff and the only thing I've noticed is a little gas. 

by Blitzen on 01 January 2014 - 19:01


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