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by Mystere on 06 June 2013 - 11:06

Yogi, I absolutely agree. I am a member of a club that is affiliated with USCA, AWMA,DVG,WDSA. We host 3-4 trials every year and have held 3-4 trials each year for the past 10 years. We have hosted regional and national championships, as well. You do NOT just wake up one day and make a club. You need good helpers, and the ability to train new ones; you need a core of dedicated members, a place to train, a training director and someone willing to take on the administrative needs of a club.

by ramgsd on 06 June 2013 - 11:06

Don't know how I posted this thread in the "CONF" area. Oh well.

Don't let BOOBOO change this topic. The scorebook thing has been taken care of. PERIOD. The WDA members want to complain about trials and such, then it would help if they and their members put on some IPO trials. Complaining about an organization, then wanting said organization to do all the work so you can stroll in and trial your dogs seems hypocritical to me. If the WDA supported it's members and had trials of their own they wouldn't be worrying about UScA. If everyone in UScA just decided to one day quit IPO and just do AKC ob instead. The IPO portion of the WDA would die. There wouldn't be enough trials any longer to title their dogs.


by YogieBear on 06 June 2013 - 12:06

AKC OB?  That is funny - been to several of those and AKC dogs seem lathargic (?)  compared to my dogs...  My dogs have about 500% more energy than the dogs in that little arena........  I will stick to schutzhund - it is more challenging and less confined than the AKC venue..... 



by bubbabooboo on 06 June 2013 - 12:06

Second post by Zdog .. scorebooks and dual membership discussed. 

by zdog on 06 June 2013 - 12:06

my god, can you guys ever let it go.  You don't think the UScA is without fault????????  Want to know why at one point our club did go all WDA despite a decade of being dual?  Because our judge canceled on us about 3 weeks before  a trial in November and we could not get another judge in time and they wouldn't grant an exemption Even though we had all trialed previously at our own WDA trial and at area USA trials, including giving them the use of our helpers, myself included earlier that year.

So we said fine, we left for a while till we were forced to chose and like others found ourselves lacking for trials and the ability for our members to compete in UScA nationals because of the amendment.  Now of course WDA members only take advantage of UScA right.  It's not like our WDA breed surveys and shows were jam packed with UScA members looking to show under an SV judge because it was rare to have another UScA club in the area go thru the expense of bringing in that judge and hosting him and everything else that comes along with it.  They never took advantage of that.  (insert heavy sarcasm)

Quit acting like things are/ were a one-way street.  There are more than enough grievances to air about BOTH, why one always thinks they're so much different than the other???? 

I am excited about Jim and Frank heading things at USca at the moment.  I think we're in good hands.  I would like to see a time when anybody that would like to be judged by the same standard as anybody else, can enter a trial and compete.  I think it makes the most sense.

by zdog on 06 June 2013 - 12:06

don't blame any of your rantings on me booboo.  I think we'd all be better off if you'd STFU until you've actually done anything your speak so much about.


by bubbabooboo on 06 June 2013 - 13:06

Alloway lied as soon as he took office when he said the USCA did not know they were breaking the WUSV constitution and rules concerning their treatment of the GSDCA-WDA.  The USCA voted for the resolution and the constitutional amendment.  The USCA is on track to continue what they have been doing with a new crew doing the same old stuff like loading the 2013 WUSV Qualifier with a USCA biased judge.  Nothing has changed and neither the GSDCA nor the GSDCA-WDA is going to trust the USCA ever again so the new team can run a new circus but only USCA members are going to buy a ticket.  Best obey the WUSV rules though as they can live without the USCA I assure you.  Tell Alloway and crew to try telling the truth and not shaving the deck when dealing with others .. now that would be a positive change.

Western Rider

by Western Rider on 06 June 2013 - 13:06

We are not going to spend  time editing this thread stay on Topic or it will be locked.

You want to talk about score books, potty training, roses or what ever start a new thread.

The topic is the need for more trials



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