Why would anyone want a dog like this? - Page 12

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by Brittany on 28 April 2013 - 08:04

VonIsengard, Care to explain what was wrong with me submitting help from this site? To have educated people who knows about their lines in the working line guide me to the right direction to pick either West German WL or Czech? I had no idea that what I wrote was so damn bad. Way to go little troll. Go back to your dark castle and think up another plan because that one failed... little stalker :) No doggy biscuits for you, Bad dog! (newspaper on the nose)


by VonIsengard on 28 April 2013 - 12:04

Funny how the people here are educated until they disagree with you.


by Brittany on 28 April 2013 - 12:04

Do you think I care if people disagree with me? I can disagree with them too :) We can all disagree with each other.

by Blitzen on 28 April 2013 - 12:04

Prager, did you honestly not understand what I meant?

by Blitzen on 28 April 2013 - 12:04

BHutch, it's my understanding that the bite victim usually determines the breed of the dog that bit him or her. Most non-dog people wouldn't know a GSD from a Mali or a poodle from a Bischon so one has to wonder how accurate these statistic really are. The people compiling the stats don't take into consideration how or why the bite happened, they only care about total numbers.

We travel a lot with our GSD in a motor home; it's becoming more and more common to be refused a site at a campground because of the breed. When questioned why we were refused a site we are normally told the same thing - our insurance company won't allow GSD's because they are listed as one of the top breeds that are most likely to bite. Actually it's not about whether or not we believe these stats, it's about how it affects us in the long run. Some insurance companies refuse to issue a homeowner's policy to persons who own certain breeds. One company we contacted here in FL wouldn't write a policy for anyone with a "large breed " dog but they didn't define what that meant.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 28 April 2013 - 14:04

Paul: most reAders on here hAve no clue what a real SERIOUS gsd is.
some insurance companies cover homes with children worse than any gsd....!!!! Lol

by Blitzen on 28 April 2013 - 14:04

Ain't that the truth? How the heck are you?

by Paul Garrison on 28 April 2013 - 22:04


That is for sure. You should see some of the "perfect" dog for me, sent to my email. Chances are if the dogs does not scare the crap out of them it is not hard or aggressive enough for what I am looking for. I want the dog most can't handle.


by Bhaugh on 28 April 2013 - 22:04

If you cant find what your looking for, have you considered a Cane Corso?

by Paul Garrison on 28 April 2013 - 23:04


They are out there and I will find it, it just takes time. I bought a Bomber female for future breeding. I will find what I want. I have worked a few Cane Corso's and was not impressed for what I want.



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