Long Coats and Greed of this Breed - Page 1

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Dawn G. Bonome

by Dawn G. Bonome on 25 May 2011 - 15:05

Now that Long Coated German Shepherds can be shown, how many greedy breeders, (ONLY OUT TO MAKE MONEY AND CARE NOTHING ABOUT THE DOGS.),  here in America, and abroad will take advantage of people that are new to the German Shepherd and do not know ANYTHING about the breed and the history of the breed.

Anyone seeing this yet? Prices jacked up?


by vonissk on 25 May 2011 - 16:05

You're absolutely right.  Whereas before they were always sold as pets and it was kept quiet that a person had coats in their litter, now everyone wants one.  I noticed as soon as the rumor started circulating  about the SV making seperate classes for them, the ads started flowing, people looking for them.  Like anything else, gotta jump on that money bandwagon..................

by Duderino on 25 May 2011 - 17:05

More like the SV realized they had a cash cow that they were not milking and after all, it's not about bettering the breed, it's about making money from the breed.


by trixx on 25 May 2011 - 17:05

when i have a litter with long coats i sell most as pets , so they are a bit cheaper, even though there really is not a big difference to tell you the truth.  i do feel there are too many breeders out there trying to make a buck on the long coats as they should not be any more than a stock coat puppy. i did have a few long coats and sold them pretty cheap.


by Kaffirdog on 25 May 2011 - 20:05

Unless you want to buy one, can't see it matters if longcoat breeders jack the price up.

Margaret N-J


by Mystere on 25 May 2011 - 20:05

 Excuse me, but  I know show breeders that FOR YEARS have had waiting list of people who wanted longsoat gsd puppies, that they sold at premium prices!  NOTHING NEW!  Will they demand more for them?  Probably.  But, those same breeders were getting more for them than for their stock-coated puppies anyway, over-priced as even those were.   P.T. Barnum was right, and breeders prove it every minute of every day.

by VomMarischal on 25 May 2011 - 20:05

for a good laugh....REGISTERED?



by Ace952 on 25 May 2011 - 21:05

Whats wrong with someone wanting a longcoat? 

Your argument seems one sided as there are greedy breeders all over and not with just long coats.
The same can be said for breeders that breed dark sables then.

How do you seperate one greedy breeder from another greedy breeder?

Breeders breed what people want.

by hexe on 26 May 2011 - 01:05

It's not accurate to say that 'longcoats can be shown'--the SV didn't lift the disqualification on longcoats, they simply reinstated acceptance of the long stockcoat but split them off into a separate registry.  I'm still trying to find out what happens when a litter from two parents listed in the main SV registry contains one or more long stockcoats--how is the litter registered? Are the stock coat pups registered in the main book, and the long stockcoats registered in the Langstockhaar book? Are the parents moved from the main book and into the Langstockhaar book because they produced long stockcoat pups? 

I agree that the reinstatement can be attributed to the desire for additional revenue, but frankly I never agree with the SV's decision to delist the long stockcoats to begin with--especially since they were still handing out show ratings and breed survey classifications to long stockcoats, under the term 'plush' coats...

And Mystere is right--both here in the States as well as over in Germany, there was never any problem finding buyer for the longer coated pups, and breeders often had a waiting list for them.  There are those who will swear that the longer coated dogs always get the best structure, temperament and biddability in the litter...

by hexe on 26 May 2011 - 01:05

VM wrote:

"for a good laugh....REGISTERED?


Not so laughable...these days there are 'registries' for damn near anything you want to hang papers on. 


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