German Shepherd Limping - Page 1

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by juliebull on 08 April 2011 - 17:04

Our German Shepherd is just over 2 years old and has recently been tripping over his own paws and now today he has had a limp all day but don't know why - his leg is not giving him any pain but seems to be worse when he has been resting it for a long period of time - any ideas?

by beetree on 08 April 2011 - 18:04

Yes, it could be Lyme disease. Or other tick disease. Go see your vet immediately and get your dog checked. 

by demeras on 09 April 2011 - 06:04

Have the dog checked for Pano.  It comes and go's and can sshow up at different times in the dogs joints especially if the dog is under stress.  New surroundings..etc.  Some dogs out grow it...some dogs don't.  But if your dog just has Pain in a joint all of a could be Pano.  Also...if it shsifts from one leg to another.  Good luck.


by juliebull on 09 April 2011 - 12:04

Thanks for your comments, can you please tell me what pano is, as I have looked it up on the internet and cannot find any information - it does sound like it could be that as it does sometimes seem like he is limping on the left side instead of the right.


by laura271 on 09 April 2011 - 23:04

Here is a very basic definition of Pano to get you started:

Pano or panosteitis - (Also known as "long bone disease," "wandering lameness," or "pano.")

"Most commonly seen between the ages of five to 12 months, and for unknown reasons, is common in the German Shepherd breed. Pano is caused by excessive bone production on the long bones. Normally, a dog affected by this condition will grow out of the problem, but it is painful.

Diet is thought to be a contributing factor in the development of Pano. High protein puppy diets may make the puppy grow too fast and increase the chance of the pup experiencing Pano which is also sometimes described as "growing pains." Pano can also show up in any leg and may come and go without warning. Puppies usually completely outgrow Pano by the age of 18 months and it rarely goes beyond two years."

Perhaps your dog had a fall? My husband called our GSD puppy and she came at a dead run, skidded out on a patch of ice and slammed into her kennel. We took her to the vet to make sure she was okay since she was limping so badly. It took her about 6 weeks to heal completely (she was pretty angry about not being allowed to run around!). Probably best to get your dog checked out.


by Rik on 10 April 2011 - 01:04

Back legs or front?

It would be uncommon if it is pano showing up first time at 2 years, but anything is possible.

Going to take a vet to decipher it.

by demeras on 10 April 2011 - 05:04

I know of a dog that had Pano show up at 3 and a half.  So yes any thing is possible...andk worth checking out.  Not saying that is what it is...but it at least can be ruled out.  I also know of a few dogs that had it really bad....and had long term effects from it .  So again....every dog is different...they also reaact to pain and show discomfort differently as well.  Sometimes Pano is subtle...and some times.very severe.  Just a possibility. 

by brynjulf on 10 April 2011 - 15:04

It's vet time on this one.  another test you can do is while he is standing take on of his back legs and gently fold his foot over. (bend his ankle so the the foot itself it touching the table with his pads facing the sky.) If he pulls it back up normal great, if he keeps it there and can seem to pull it forward to the vet now!!!


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