Six Years Ago Today - Page 1

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by Sunsilver on 15 February 2010 - 03:02

In 2004, my husband suffered a stroke. The hospital let me bring him home for Valentine's day.

We had a very special dinner together. For dessert, I served Hagen Daz ice cream, with strawberries cut into heart shapes. Roger dearly loved our dog, Tasha, and Tasha loved ice cream, so naturally, Roger shared his dessert with her, including the strawberries. Now, if any of you have ever used Fowler's Extract, you will know that strawberries are a laxitive, especially when given to animals that don't normally eat fruit!

Fast forward to the next evening...Roger was back in the hospital. Tasha woke me at 2 in the morning, with that bark that meant "I have to go out.,..RIGHT NOW!"

It was freezing cold in the downstairs hallway, and blowing a near-blizzard outside. Tasha's leash was in a hopeless tangle on the hall floor, and I was close to shivering, had a pounding headache, and couldn't bear the thought of taking the time to untangle it.

"She'sl not going to want to stay out very long with the weather the way it is," I thought. "It should be safe to turn her out without  the tie-out."

I opened the door, and she raced outside. I then retired to the living room couch, and coccooned myself in a blanket.

A couple of minutes later, I got up and went to the door. No Tasha. I called. No sign of her. Uh-oh.

Twice more I went to the door. On the third try, I knew we were both in trouble....deep, deep trouble. On the wings of the howling wind I detected a very strong whiff of skunk.

The next time I went to the door, one very sorry-looking German Shepherd was cowering on the step, trying vainly to wipe the burning stink off her face and out of her eyes. I left her there for a few minutes, while I thought out a game plan.

It was 2 am. There were no drugstores open nearby where I could buy hydrogen peroxide, and, even if I could find some, I was in no shape to destink her. I had been feeling really sorry for myself after I'd dropped Roger off at the hospital, and had drowned my sorrows in booze. As a result, I had a really bad headache, and my stomach wasn't in great shape either.

I finally decided to put her in the downstairs guest bathroom, and retreated to my bedroom. Her howls of protest would be muted by the house walls, so hopefully the neighbours wouldn't be disturbed, and, without my hearing aids in, I couldn't hear her, either. The bathroom was the smallest room in the house, and would be the easiest to clean.

The next day, I used Dr. Paul Krebaum's skunk remedy on her, and one treatement was enough to turn a badly skunked dog into one that was fit for human company again!

Here's the Skunk Remedy Home Page: Don't bother with tomato juice, it doesn't work, but this stuff REALLY does!

That was one Valentine's Day I'll certainly never forget! 

I miss you, Roger, and I miss you, Tasha...

by freemont on 15 February 2010 - 03:02

Thank you, Sunsilver, for sharing your V-day story.  I hope that this year's 14th was also special for you in some way.

Take care,



by Sunsilver on 15 February 2010 - 03:02

The only thing special about it was the memories, Freemont Thanks for the wishes, anyway!

BTW, that's the culprit in my avatar!


by GSDtravels on 15 February 2010 - 15:02

Always amazing when some of our worst nightmares turn into good/funny memories!  Glad you can get a chuckle now, thanks for sharing it. 

I had a dog that cornered one and got hit point-blank in the face.  The idiot husband put him in our concrete laundry tub!  I got the smell off of the dog but nothing would take it out of that tub, it reeked for six months!  Uh, BTW, isn't a good memory and I don't miss the idiot x-husband.


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