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by Cora on 01 September 2008 - 13:09

I've enjoyed coming to this site from back when it was Gunnersholt and rely on the information on GSD's and now other breeds. Count me among many who really appreciate the efforts you've made over the years!!


I wonder if there might be interest in a forum for discussion of social issues.......like the upcoming US election. Yes, those who aren't interested can ignore threads on non-dog subjects but it is hard to do sometimes. (human nature being what it is )


If there was a separate forum, members could slug it out and those who aren't interested can get on with dog interests.

Just thought I'd open this up for discussion and thought-



Joan Andreasen-Webb


by TheDogTrainer on 01 September 2008 - 13:09

When I see a topic I am not interested in, I simply do not read it.


Everyone here is an adult(well, at least physically) and has that capability as well.


by ProudShepherdPoppa on 01 September 2008 - 13:09

ROFL You could list politicians as a seperate breed and use the Switch Breed function.


by darylehret on 01 September 2008 - 14:09

Let's not ecourage breeding of politicians.


by TheDogTrainer on 01 September 2008 - 15:09

There should be mandatory spay/neutering on all politicians.


by animules on 01 September 2008 - 15:09

Not everybody here is an adult physically.  We have many young people on here to learn also, it's just that some of the young people behave so much better then some of the "adults" it can be hard to tell they're young unless you have around here a long time.  I do agree about ignore the posts.  There are A LOT of posts I'm ignoring lately, hard to wade through and find ones worth reading right now...


by Mystere on 01 September 2008 - 16:09

I just think that topics need to BE about gsds-period. Why doesn't TOS cover NOT starting intolerant, racist threads? Personally, I would be concerned about the younger readers being exposed to some of the racist shit on this forum. Certainly, if I were a parent, this forum would be blocked because of the overwhelming amount of racist crap to which IO would not want to expose my children.


by sueincc on 01 September 2008 - 16:09

I agree 100%  with you Mystere, and will make a point of not even opening threads that are not dog related in the future. 

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 01 September 2008 - 18:09

It's the internet, if you allow your children access to it you open up a whole world of thing's good and bad.   Would you let your child walk alone down the street's of L.A. or New York?    If you let your children use the internet they should be old enough to walk alone or else you should monitor and control their internet usage like any good parent would.

The thing's you don't like here are the same thing's you can find on the street's, for the most part people feel easier typing it than they would saying it in public.   Less inhibition.


I think you are right in that the off topic thread's should be marked OT in the title so you can know it's something your uncomfortable with.   That's about as far as I would go personally.

I don't believe we need anymore segregation in the world.   Only the ability to choose.


You can't protect children from the world, you can only teach them right from wrong.  And you can't control what they see and read and hear from other's, I am a parent and know all too well how this work's.  It's a parent's job to talk openly with their children and explain as best you can the uglier side's of our world so they can deal with it make make informed decision's.

Personally I would like to see a real time chatroom for the more social discussion's and save the board for the sharing of fact's and useful information.  As long as we adult's could handle it and not run crying and shouting moderator everytime our feather's get ruffled.  

This post is not new and has popped up many time's.



by DesertRangers on 01 September 2008 - 19:09


Let's see how sincere you are.

You quit coming after me and I will stop coming after you.  The same goes for Hodie and Two Moons.




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