Bark collar for screamer? - Page 2

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by hexe on 07 March 2011 - 19:03

Bark collar will just make things worse. Ditto for using an electric collar--both will only serve to actually *increase* the dog's stress, which will drive her to find another way to relieve it...and instead of screaming, would you rather she start self-mutilating?  Or redirecting her tension to another dog? Or toward another person? 

I presently have a 'screamer' as well.  She's 22 months old, and a happier dog you could not find--but when she's happy, when she's excited, she screams.  I've had her since she was 10 months old, and we've been continually working on teaching her to control cap her drive, and then release it in an acceptable manner at an acceptable point in time.  It's a work in progress, because any kind of physical correction or contact with the dog when she's amped up only serves to 'load' her even more; and since her nature is to be impulsive rather than patient, there are always going to be some situations she encounters where she'll default back to her innate response (screaming) rather than the one she's learned (capping).  The use of a special toy she can carry has been a brilliant help; likewise, practice runs where I go through all the motions of getting us all ready to head outside, but all activity stops as soon as the first small squeal breaks through from her, have been instrumental in teaching her to restrain herself.  Once we're outside, she's permitted to give a brief scream, and then we redirect her enthusiam toward her Jolly Ball, which she'll latch onto and carry about for hours on end.

Unless you want to break this dog's spirit, you will likely never be able to extinguish the trait entirely--it's a part of who this girl is, just as it's part of my girl--but with effort you will be able to manage it. 


by Kalibeck on 08 March 2011 - 01:03

My Beckett is a screamer too. Pain in the .....!!! He'll be good & patient & quiet as long as someone is with him. But if Carl or I leave, with or with out another dog, but especially with, he'll burst out in a scream. It sounds weird, but a dog whistle has helped, one of those horrid electric ones. That gets his attention even if we are on the other side of the yard or house. Once he's focused back on us, he's OK. God bless my neighbors for their patience, & his crate is in the laundry room, where there is a lot of sound absorbant stuff to minimize the intensity of his occassional outbursts...which are always worse in the mornings....!
Love my boy, hate that screaming! I was told that certain lines do carry it considered a temperment problem...or just drive?  jackie harris


by Jenni78 on 08 March 2011 - 02:03

 My Pit Bull is a screamer...Momma's Boy Extraordinaire. I thought my neighbors were going to kill me. I asked one day if he screamed all day and they looked at me like I was crazy and said he doesn't make a peep if I'm not home. GRRRRR! So, if I'm not close enough to hear him scream (or so he thinks) he's quiet, lol. He only does it for my benefit. He does not scream if only my bf is home and I am not...he reserves this for me and me alone. Lucky me! With him, it's manipulation. He wants to be with me at all times and will scream like nobody's business if he's locked up or otherwise confined away from me. I tried everything to no avail and grew weary so I let him come everywhere with me...hey, at least he's quiet when he's with me. When he can't be with me, I have to deal w/the screaming. I do have to say that a really good RMB will decrease it and also tiring him out completely.

As to the bark collar, I have tried all of them, and there is not one on the market that he hasn't figured out exactly what octave he can get away with and not get zapped. I am not sure it would be the same w/a GSD because I think the motive is different for the screaming; my Pit is doing it consciously, deliberately, to get to me. Your dog may be doing it to release excess energy/built up frustration, so as Hexe says, you might make it much worse. I never tried a bark collar until I found out that this was not the case w/my dog and he was absolutely acting out in a behavior that needed to be corrected. This is not excess "drive" or nervousness or frustration. He's simply spoiled and through my laziness I have taught him that if he's unbearable I'll just throw him in the car...right where he wants to be. 

I wish you luck and I empahize. Be consistent though. Don't do what I did. I knew I was making it worse but sometimes, you just need it to STOP or you're sure your head will explode. 


by SchaeferhundSchH on 08 March 2011 - 02:03

 I've got a screamer. Only thing that helps is giving her plenty of exercise, and making her wait for everything. She also took very well to the carrying something. If I give her a toy to hold onto while we are getting ready to go through a door it does wonders. She now automatically grabs anything she can when me or my SO come home to control her excitement. She still wiggles like a maniac, btu shes QUIET and thats whats important to me LOL

by troubles on 08 March 2011 - 03:03

I am so happy she ended up with a loving person like you and that u will never mistreat her for it so  but can someone tell me what  a screamer is? I dont think i hav ever seen it or heard of it  ? 

by troubles on 08 March 2011 - 03:03

is this it?

by troubles on 08 March 2011 - 03:03

or this wow those pple love the scream lol


by Rik on 08 March 2011 - 04:03

You are only going to know if you try it, which I would if I wanted to keep the dog. Get a good one.



by GranvilleGSD on 08 March 2011 - 05:03

Thanks, some good ideas to try.  I attempted to give her the jolly ball to carry outside tonight to avoid the noise, but she was so intent on going out she couldn't care less about the ball.  I'll try it again, and try some other things.  I'm sure some more exercise would help too, it's been too icy out to get some good running in though.  I'll work on making her wait more too, I've probably gotten a little too lax on that too.  Thankfully she is quiet in her crate and during the day, this isn't an all day thing.


by Kaffirdog on 08 March 2011 - 08:03

Does she like to tug?  If so, have a quick tug game and then release her outside, she is more likely to hang on to the ball.

Margaret N-J


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