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German Shepherd Dog - Male
Bolte vom Steinbrückerteich
Sire Born: 15. April 1959
SZ 788203
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
SchH3Sigbert vom Haus Arnold SchH31946SZ 628745 HD- Sire | SchH2Dorn vom Holzstöckrand SchH21940SZ 547644 HD- Sire | LUXEMBURG SIEGER 1938 SCHH3VA (BSZS) Trick vom Schloßfelsen LUXEMBURG SIEGER 1938 SCHH31936SZ 491725 HD- Sire |
HGHAlma vom Holzstöckrand HGH1937SZ 510789 HD- Dam | ||
Elfi vom Tuskerwald1943SZ 577915 HD- Dam | SCHH2Klodo zu den Sieben-Faulen SCHH2SZ 500283 HD- Sire | |
Olfe vom Haus Schütting1938SZ 520866 HD- Dam | ||
SchH2Kea vom Tiefenreut SchH21947SZ 640377 HD- Dam | SchH1Ador von der Narrozunft SchH11943SZ 575000 HD- Sire | Ajax von der Stammburg1939SZ 540024 HD- Sire |
Cora an der Romäusquelle1941SZ 550471 HD- Dam | ||
SchH1Zenta von der Keltenfurt SchH11940SZ 546175 HD- Dam | Alex vom Wingerstollen1936SZ 491364 HD- Sire | |
Koralle vom BismarckparkSZ 494344 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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