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German Shepherd Dog - Male
HSAS E-Z Brook's Thor
AKC DN00528501
Hip: OFA: Good (GS-69618G27M-VPI) - Elbows: OFA: Normal (GS-EL16623M27-VPI)
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CD, TC, CGCWynthea's vonbraunhous Thor CD, TC, CGC2000AKC DL83787506 HD- Sire | UDX, CGC, TDIOTCH Wynthea's Ace of Diamonds UDX, CGC, TDI1993AKC DL46530709 HD-OFA: Good GS-41084G25M Sire | UD, TDI, CGCFalco von der Schanzlache UD, TDI, CGC1986SZ 1691205 (AKC D678702 11-88) HD-SV: HD a-Ausland (a6) Sire |
UD, CGC, TDIWynthea's Connie V Frei-Aike UD, CGC, TDI1990AKC DA010410 HD- Dam | ||
HGHV Gerta vom Kirschental HGH1994SZ 1890089 HD-normal Dam | SCHH3VA1 Ulk von Arlett SCHH31990SZ 1769704 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire | |
HGHV Yasmin vom Kirschental HGH1989SZ 1761785 HD-fast normal Dam | ||
TC, CGCEZ Brooks Kira TC, CGC2000AKC DL85805302 HD-OFA: Good Dam | PD2, EXPLOSIVE PATROL DOGJustice vom Baerenzwinger PD2, EXPLOSIVE PATROL DOG1994AKC DL55397309 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | Zerres Blue-Iris1985SZ 1660555 HD-fast normal Sire |
Panja vom PfandturmDL 550972/01 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ||
CGCE-Z Brooks Passion N Kisses CGC1999AKC DL78335802 HD-OFA: Good Dam | TT,CGCE-Z Brook's A Romantic Fool TT,CGC1991AKC DL40851603 HD- Sire | |
E-Z Brook's Jade1994AKC DL53924502 HD- Dam |
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