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German Shepherd Dog - Female
SG Nora z Jirkova dvora
Kkl 1
Dam born: 21. November 1998
CMKU 34940/98/00
Hip: 0/0 (CZ) - Elbows: Not known
DNA: on file
Tattoo: 07710
Breed report
Kör: 5CV1/P LBZ,
FH1, ZPS1, OP1, ZVV3, SCHH3, IPO3, 3X UMCRV Gero z Blatenskeho zamku FH1, ZPS1, OP1, ZVV3, SCHH3, IPO3, 3X UMCR1994CKS 19182/94/97 HD-0/0 Sire Kör: 5JVQ1/P 1 tr. LBZ | ZM, ZVV3, IPO3, ZPOSG Omar z Blatenskeho zamku ZM, ZVV3, IPO3, ZPO1986CKSP 60448/89 HD-0/0 (CZ) Sire | IPO3, ZVV3, ZM, ZPOV Dax Namelev IPO3, ZVV3, ZM, ZPO1982CKSP 20711/83 HD-normal Sire |
SP/PS, ZVV2, SCHH3SG Klara z Pohranicni straze 1978 SP/PS, ZVV2, SCHH31978CKSP 2150/78/80 HD-2/0 Dam | ||
ZVV1SG Zara z Blatenskeho zamku ZVV11991CKSP 05104/93 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | IP3, ZM, ZVV2, ZZP2Bravo Amada CS IP3, ZM, ZVV2, ZZP2CKSP 60098 HD- Sire | |
ZM ZVV2SG Majka z Blatenskeho Zamku ZM ZVV21984CKSP 42423 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
ZVV1V AJKA Z Jirkova dvora ZVV1CKS DS/18071/94/98 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | SCHH3, IPO3, HICV Hassan vom Wildsteiger Land SCHH3, IPO3, HIC1991SZ 1810111 (AKC DL58350401) HD-OFA: Good GS-38692G34M-T Sire | SCHH3VA4 Mark vom Haus Beck SCHH31986SZ 1669141 HD-SV: HD a-fast normal (a2) Sire |
SchH1V Zenta vom Wildsteiger Land SchH11987SZ 1700310 HD-normal Dam | ||
ZVV1SG Korina z Jirkova dvora ZVV1CKSP 3812 HD- Dam | Ciro DolminaAKC DL39178001 HD-0/0 Sire | |
ZVV1SG Netka z Pohranicni Straze ZVV1CKSP 1667-89/88/90 HD-HD: 0/0 Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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