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Breed report
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V (UK) Kayard's Hein Of Jutone 1976UK HD- Sire | SCHH3V Barry von dem Grünen Teufel SCHH3 1971SZ 1229257 HD- Sire | SCHH3V15 Fedor vom grünen Lückener SCHH3 1967SZ 1153787 HD-zuerkannt Sire |
SchH1Tuja von der Elisabethenklause SchH1 SZ 1165610 HD- Dam | ||
Jilly von Haus Hakatherm 1974SZ 1314864 (UK) HD- Dam | SCHH3, FHVA6 VA1(I) Kai vom Silberbrand SCHH3, FH 1971SZ 1234446 HD- Sire | |
SchH1V Nora von der Wienerau SchH1 1966SZ 1123560 HD- Dam | ||
Tramella's Gladys 1976KCSB 0728BN HD- Dam | Renygar Desperado from Tramella KCSB 0540BM HD- Sire | Kenmil's Valiant UK HD- Sire |
Keyna Tabitha of Renygar UK HD- Dam | ||
Tramella's Frenchie from Heidefraut 1974KCSB 4699BL HD- Dam | CH (UK) Apache of Santago 1971KCSB 0404BH HD- Sire | |
Laura of Tuffly from Tramella UK HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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