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German Shepherd Dog -
Envy Krasnoocko
Dam born: 04. May 2017
AKC DN56695302
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ZZO, ZM, ZVV3, SPR 3, FPR1, ZPO 1, ZPS 1V Maracana Krasnoocko ZZO, ZM, ZVV3, SPR 3, FPR1, ZPO 1, ZPS 1 CMKU 77121/10 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire 5JY1/P 1tr | ZVV1, FPR2, SCHH1,V Voodoo Hartis Bohemia ZVV1, FPR2, SCHH1, 2005CMKU 56134/05 (AKC DN27191601) HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | SCHH3, DH1,V Broocke vom Alpaland SCHH3, DH1, 1999SHSB 572731 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire |
ZVV1SG Erika z Atarova dvora ZVV1 1999CMKU DS/36971/99/01 HD-a (CZ) Dam | ||
ZVV2, ZPO1SG Pia von der Bültenstiege ZVV2, ZPO1 2003SZ 2127367 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | SchH3V Elliot vom Hambacher Schloßblick SchH3 1998SZ 2017482 HD-Normal Sire | |
SchH3,IP3,FH1V Daika von der Felsenmühle SchH3,IP3,FH1 1996SZ 1959814 HD-Normal Dam | ||
BH, ZZO, ZVV1SG Ybery Krasnoocko BH, ZZO, ZVV1 2013CMKU DS91478/13 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | ZM, SPR2, ZPO1, ZPS2, FPR2, IPO-V, ZZO, SCHH1, IPO3, ZVV3V Doors Krokodyli farma ZM, SPR2, ZPO1, ZPS2, FPR2, IPO-V, ZZO, SCHH1, IPO3, ZVV3 2008CMKU 71003/08/11 HD-0/0 Sire | IPO3, SCHH-VPG3, WUSV 2ND CHAMP 2007VD Ergo Hartis Bohemia IPO3, SCHH-VPG3, WUSV 2ND CHAMP 2007 2003CMKU 50158/03 HD-1/0 (CZ) Sire |
IPO 3, SCHH 3SG Baghira Krokodýlí farma IPO 3, SCHH 3 2005CMKU 59311/05/08 HD-0/0 (CZ) Dam | ||
ZM,ZVV3,ZPS1,ZPO1,FPR3,ZZO,BH,IPO-V,IPO3,SCHH3,SPR 3,UPR1, SCHHASG Brandy Laperys ZM,ZVV3,ZPS1,ZPO1,FPR3,ZZO,BH,IPO-V,IPO3,SCHH3,SPR 3,UPR1, SCHHA CMKU 63895/07 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Dam | SCHH3 V / LGA /V Conner von der Staatsmacht SCHH3 V / LGA / 2004SZ 2140451 HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1) Sire | |
IPO3, SCHH3, FPR3, ZVV1,ZPS1,FH2SG Charlie Bily trpaslik IPO3, SCHH3, FPR3, ZVV1,ZPS1,FH2 2003CMKU 48702/03/05 HD-1/1 (CZ) Dam |
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