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German Shepherd Dog -
VA1 Poldila vom Haus Schütting
Kkl 1
Dam born: 08. October 1942
SZ 569901
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
SchH3VA Quell von Durmersheim SchH3 1937SZ 509430 HD- Sire | ZPr/MH1 DDR Line VIIIVA Sigbert Heidegrund ZPr/MH1 DDR Line VIII 1933SZ 453235 HD- Sire | ZPrSieger Odin vom Stolzenfels ZPr 1930SZ 406023 HD-DDR Line VIII Sire |
Dina von der Webbelmannslust 1929SZ 394373 HD- Dam | ||
ZPrGisa von Durmersheim ZPr 1931SZ 428631 HD- Dam | PHDonar von Durmersheim PH 1930SZ 409514 HD- Sire | |
SchHDronna vom Eisenfeld SchH 1929SZ 417468 HD- Dam | ||
SCHH1Chuna vom Haus Schütting SCHH1 1938SZ 533635 HD- Dam | SchH3V Ingo vom Piastendamm SchH3 1934SZ 483163 HD- Sire | SCHH/ZPR/MH1'34 SA V Gockel von Bern SCHH/ZPR/MH1 1932SZ 439350 HD- Sire |
SchHIlla von Oppeln-Ost SchH 1932SZ 443689 HD- Dam | ||
Uxa vom Haus Schütting 1936SZ 499168 HD- Dam | ZPrSGR, CH. (US) Arras aus der Stadt Velbert ZPr 1934SZ 462958 HD- Sire | |
Gunda vom Nawitztal 1930SZ 440278 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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