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by TIG on 22 September 2023 - 15:09
Looking for dates & locations for 2024
BSV ( Sieger show)
BLH (Herding championship)
WUSV IGP World Championship
WUSV Universal Sieger
First & last already done for 2023 but can't find info on next year.
Middle two are both next month for 2023.
WUSV used to pick out host countries several years in advance but could find nothing. S.V. used to show at least 2 years pending.
Had hoped to go to next month's events but not meant 2b.
In 2019 right b4 the world shut down got blessed and went for 17days to the S.V. IGP nationals and the BLH. Sleep in a lot of 3rd floor attics & had a hell of time. Wanted to go back since then but closed borders & vaccine requirements prevented (not vaccinated & will not b) it.
Highly recommend a trip to the BLH if you can find a way to go.
Thanks for any help. If can please include links to info.
BSV ( Sieger show)
BLH (Herding championship)
WUSV IGP World Championship
WUSV Universal Sieger
First & last already done for 2023 but can't find info on next year.
Middle two are both next month for 2023.
WUSV used to pick out host countries several years in advance but could find nothing. S.V. used to show at least 2 years pending.
Had hoped to go to next month's events but not meant 2b.
In 2019 right b4 the world shut down got blessed and went for 17days to the S.V. IGP nationals and the BLH. Sleep in a lot of 3rd floor attics & had a hell of time. Wanted to go back since then but closed borders & vaccine requirements prevented (not vaccinated & will not b) it.
Highly recommend a trip to the BLH if you can find a way to go.
Thanks for any help. If can please include links to info.
by TIG on 15 October 2023 - 10:10
If anyone is at the BLH this weekend please inquire about dates & location for next year.
Would also love to hear this years results.Thanks
Would also love to hear this years results.Thanks
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