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alexander the great

by alexander the great on 15 January 2011 - 16:01

 ok guys my pup is a working line,when he first came he had no interest in running training or play,he is builing it up slowly,not great tho,still doesnt play fetch great,do you guys think he will build it up in time if i keep playing with him,and do you guys think that he would do any good in schtuzhund 


by K9Sport on 15 January 2011 - 17:01

How old is your pup? 


by GSDPACK on 15 January 2011 - 17:01


sometimes the puppy is too distracted, it happens. I cant tell weather you puppy will be a good schutzhund prospect or not based on a working pedigree. I can tell you potential but in all honesty unless I see the dog, no answers here.

I have to see the dog, your understanding of what you see can be very different of what I see.

Have fun, play and one day you might get your Schutzhund dog out of him!

alexander the great

by alexander the great on 15 January 2011 - 17:01

 thanks for the replys guys :D he is 6 months today,like i would like him to work ,or even play ball with me,on his papers in his pedigree some where down the line there is Troll Vom Haus Milinda and yoschy von der döllenwiese ,


by alboe2009 on 15 January 2011 - 18:01

IMO the hardest thing about this concept of communication is we, the people who you are asking for answers, assistance or help from are not seeing the situation through your eyes. now I know almost everyone had said that, thought that or expressed that at on time or another....... It's hard for me to imagine/envision a puppy not playing? That's all I have ever seen with mine. Sleep, play, be mischievous! Sleep, play be mischievous! And not always in that order. They are so full of energy that that is their whole puppy life. Unless you give them direction. When you say running? What exactly do you mean? How old is the pup? Consensus is no jogging, running for a pup till one year, (bones/body still growing). It's hard when an OP puts something out there but it could mean many things. So if you can clarify or give examples? Training? What type(s) and again age of the pup.And playing? What is playing? I was taught that the taring is "play". Now if you're saying that playing is the pup just being a pup and doing what pups do? OK. But training to me is anywhere and everywhere. Any time and all the time. There's a ton of information out there and a ton of ideas by individuals. One of the rhetoric questions we hear and will always hear; (should be the "unwritten" rule before asking questions) What do you want from your dog? Or what do you want your dog to do/be? Closing statement was a question? "Do you guys think he would do any good in Schutzhund?' Is that what you want? Or are you just asking a generalized question? Looking for responses? What I'm learning about this PDB is that the majority of the time the topics can't be answered with a couple of sentences. An in depth answer would take forever to type. A lot of thought, time and energy. And after all that it might not be the answer the OP was looking for.

Anyways................. we don't know how old the pup is. At 8 weeks did he/she come to you? Did you get him/her from someone else after the breeder? Any type of training? Bonding? Socialization? Imprinting? etc: etc. Is this just one dog or do you have more? If it's the only dog one must realize that EVERYTHING comes from YOU. You are the entire world,  universe to this pup. And that must be the mindset in all that you do, to and with him/her. Praise, praise and more praise. One of the hardest things for a man, (myself included at times) is the "voice" in which to talk, praise and sometimes train the pup/dog. Sometimes that why I think the majority of women are a step ahead of the game. And the fact that they're already wired for nurturing characteristics. But the sweet, excited, enthusiastic, at times high pitched voice. And others will elaborate also, to build,mold and shape the desires one is trying to obtain. Hopefully we don't get into too much of a debate but if it helps you then more power to it. 

If you are wanting to work your dog then one of the first things, and let me say this is how I am, should work on "Prey Drive Promotion" One of the hardest things for me to comprehend is the attitudes that arise on the PDB due to "mentalities" of individuals. I am not the expert and I haven't been doing this for forty years, (longevity does not make you an expert in my eyes!) You must have knowledge, education, experience and training to be an expert. In my eyes. But this is how I am and what works for me and my dogs. I'm a "have to see to believe" type of person, a visual person. I read alot, talk to people and experiment/practicals. 

I start prey drive as early as possible with puppies aroun


by alboe2009 on 15 January 2011 - 18:01

Is anyone else having problems submitting their comments? If I try to edit something it states" This page no longer exists........" and won't let me edit. Hence the broken sentences. OP later today I'll e-mail you some information.


by alboe2009 on 15 January 2011 - 18:01

I'll try again.... I start prey drive as early as ten to twelve weeks. I start pup's with a rag or sack. Most important thing the helper to understand dury the early work is that the rag/sack is the prey, not the helper. The quick, unpredicted movements of the rag/sack are what peak the pup's interest and consequently stimulate the pup's prey drive.


by troublelinx on 15 January 2011 - 23:01

I had one like that once.  From a good breeding.  I sent the dog back after a year. She was medium low drive.  Just not what I wanted.

alexander the great

by alexander the great on 16 January 2011 - 00:01

 @ alboe2009 very good constrictive comment :D ok here goes
my pup is 6 months today,got him off a schtuzund trainer who bough him for the sport from a breeder in cork (ireland)but she said he doesnt have the drive to be one ,but when i got him he was very skinny didnt like walking,since i took him home we started feeding him up ,he is filling out nicely,started to look forward to walking and play in the feilds,then i started playing with a flirt pole and didnt have an interest but i started on a towel and he has load off interest,so i want to get him more on to that,then on to the rags.i would like my dog to play fetch then move on to either schtz or SAR.i will have to bring him to the vets to get a full check casue puppys are suppose to have loads of energy and be really play full,my fella is begaining to play alot now,but want to boost it more,my dog will only do some obiedence training sit down roll over and stay ,stay needs a bit more work for me hope that help a bit ,thanks again for your comment


by SportySchGuy on 16 January 2011 - 03:01

I don't remember seeing you tell us how long that YOU have had this pup. If you haven't had him long then that could be a big factor.  


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