Spartanville Shepherds - Page 2

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by beetree on 16 June 2016 - 23:06

So, if the dog has both testicles, you believe she is supposed to allow you to return him for temperament reasons? This seems unheard of, to me.

That is so subjective, I can't believe any breeder would agree to such terms, in this dog eat dog world. You paid the average for a nice quality pet, and you got that. Ever heard the phrase, "puppies are a crapshoot"? This type of experience of yours, could be why.

Regardless, internet trashings of breeders rarely are a good idea, because it is a small DDR dogworld. She has had many good reviews, and some not so good, but seeing you are making this a very detailed bashfest on her, deserved or not, might make some others wary of what you can do, if dissatisfied in some other fashion, in the future.

Think about it.

by beetree on 16 June 2016 - 23:06

Oh, and she got out of the dog business before... you did do your homework, right?

It seems there are more than a few good people who start with breeding dogs and doing the right thing, and then life takes a bite at them, and something changes.

Sounds like she realized, it was getting too much for her, again.

by yhecht on 17 June 2016 - 01:06

So this no-good dog that you have is now up for adoption on your website at the amazingingly low price of $1800

Jaegar is a substantial male with a beautiful head, chest and ear set.  He is fun, friendly and still does his job as a protector. He's a dark or black sable with striking lines and undertones. Jaegar exhibits an even balance of solid prey and retrieve drives, nothing over the top.  If he had his way, Jaegar would climb in your lap





by Gunther Dietrich on 17 June 2016 - 01:06

The same website has Jaegar involved in a planned 2016 breeding.


by Dawulf on 17 June 2016 - 04:06

It seems odd to me that you are trashing one breeder for breeding a dog into the ground, yet are so hellbent on getting another male to replace an aging one and are so concerned about a missed breeding.

Not to fuel the flame any further, but it seems a bit hypocritical to me. This along with a few other things mentioned by others. Jaeger is also less than a year old, yet you're planning a litter?

by yhecht on 17 June 2016 - 04:06

Yes, according to her website she has a Planned litter for him for 2016. This is on her website. perhaps she should adhere to it herself.



by Hundmutter on 17 June 2016 - 07:06

Yes, I haven't even GOT STARTED on what I think about the rest of this thred !

@ BEETREE - FYI "This time last year" means I was talking about JUNE 2015. That means the OP did not have a puppy out of this mess yet ; she
was still at the point of Tosca failing to come into season again, and getting booked for 3rd Pick next time (which turned out to be never) instead of the 2nd Pick initial agreement ; never mind the offer for a male from Bruna's litter instead. And then the OP learns Bruna has been bred to TWO males. Myself, I would have felt quite mucked around with by that point, my antennae would have been sounding warning bells and I woulda been outta there !


by Hundmutter on 17 June 2016 - 08:06

OKaaaayyyy... SO, Jaeger (at just 10 months of age) is already 'planned to stud a litter' and/or for sale (neutered) - but a whole lot of work has already gone into this dog puppy since you brought him home, you want to get your investment back ?

So you wouldn't go back to this breeder again because of how she treated you / the state you saw her kennels in ?  Pity then that you didn't budget for a trip to her kennel before you paid the full price of a pup before the litter was even on the ground.  You still had to take the pup, because you'd paid for it, even though anyone sensible (and caring about dogs, rather than money) would have said NO and left him there and walked away, instead of giving her room for another one to sell to someone equally less fussy ?  And you've been in the dog game for what, 13 years, you say ?   How many times in that 13 years have people pointed out (not just on PDB) that there are no longer "100% DDR lines", this is 2016, how long since the Wall came down ?  Jeez Louise, I could go on ...and on...but I really haven't the patience any longer with 'breeders' like you (or her).  I wish people who care for money not dogs would get the **** out of involvement with them and leave it to folk who care enough to work their dogs, keep their kennel   accommodation clean and suitable, not keep more dogs than they can manage, and put the production of MORE dogs so way down the bottom of their list it can barely be seen. 


by UlrichGSD on 17 June 2016 - 08:06

Freida Vom Entwerfer Haus
Dam born: 02. January 2015

Herr Jaegar Vom Spartanville
Sire Born: 19. August 2015

Jaegar X Freida
Tentatively planned breeding for the late summer of 2016

So neither dog is going to even be two years old before they are bred? Am I reading this wrong?

by beetree on 17 June 2016 - 13:06

@HM. Ok, yes, as per the timing I see your point and the one of mystery sires would be enough for many to decide to walk, maybe run away from making any purchase. Clearly the OP placed considerable DNA value on what was being offered, "two in the bush".

Like you, I don't get surprised anymore at the dirt slinging done when a transaction happens with glass house dwellers. There is the real phenomenon of some breeders, whose fellow breeders' kennel acceptability runs on a sliding scale. Conditions only get unbearable when they subsequently perceive to have received damaged goods, or are being denied paperwork.

If acquiring puppies is for fulfilling stud duty, one should expect that the reality of a dud is theirs to accept, too, as the cost of doing business.

Every byb actually sees nothing wrong with this plan, too. Except for them, the temperament judgement subjectivity most likely will be skewed and the dog will be bred any way. If it is done only to recoup money spent, that is now realized as never getting a return, the distasteful factor is upped because the sentient animal is certainly not being valued for what else he could be--- someone's beloved and loyal pet.


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