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by Freda on 17 July 2009 - 21:07

what age do dogs usually start classes for the various sports?  My 17 week old pup just finished her first obedience class.  I enjoy working with her but am not sure where to go from here, beyond advanced puppy class.  Schutzhund looks really interesting.  so does agility.  Most of all, my goal would be for us to have fun together, for her to be a well trained, calm dog, dependable in most situations.   I am a newb beyond the shelter mutts I have had over the years.  So, I have no way of knowing what she might be best at.  Any advice or opinions would be appreciated.

by malshep on 20 July 2009 - 10:07

Hi Freda,
    Try them all, I started with Jami when she was 10 weeks old with Schut, and she is doing really well. I started OB classes with her to see more dogs on the end of leashes 3 months ago and just received our CGC ( she is almost a year old). Jami is going to be doing a tricks class, I have never done a tricks class before. We are still going to Schut, training, because that is what she has been bred to do. The other things is just a different collar, different menu, and make her a well rounded dog. Set a goal for what you feel your dog will be good at and do one training at a time. When you have accomplished it go on to the next. Have fun training.


by Freda on 20 July 2009 - 17:07

Thanks for the info.  I am happy to hear my enthusiasm isn't getting me ahead of what I should do.  I did read somewhere that agility can be bad for dogs before they mature.  That the jumping may be hard on their joints, or an injury to a growth plate could cause permanent problems.

Maybe there are some intro to agility classes out there for younger dogs.  I will keep up my quest.  Now that I have finally gotten a gsd, I am so excited and enjoying her so much, that I would love another one!   I really have to control myself.   Plus, my little Rat Terror/Border Collie dog would probably say "enough is enough" move out of the house.  lol


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