Bad breeders section? - Page 1

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by magdalenasins on 13 April 2012 - 18:04

Is there a section on these forums that lists breeders people have been unsatisfied with? I just had a horrible pre-buying experience a few days ago and I don't want to name names but I did wonder if this could have been avoided if I had known more about the kennel. It was partially my own fault for not asking about pedigrees sooner when the breeder told me they had the perfect dog to match me with but as soon as I (VERY POLITELY) asked and was confused that it seemed mostly showlines (and I was looking for working lines) he FLIPPED out on me. I had even said I was willing to buy the pup because we had already agreed on it but he said he was planning on keeping it and how dare I question his breeding so he wouldn't sell it to me. His loss but I was blown away by the tornado of anger for one question...I have since found a pup that is everything I am looking for (which I probably would have tried to buy even if I got first pup because we had already agreed on delivery and everything and I wouldn't feel right screwing someone over-and worked myself into the ground raising two at once) but was just curious if there is somewhere I could have looked before I went through that not so fun experience.



by Conspicuous on 13 April 2012 - 18:04

I doubt that would happen as it may sometimes be a case of there being three sides to every story.
It could end up that some things that are posted would be slanderous and cause some legal trouble.

Best bet is probably to ask if anyone has had dealings with a kennel and if they know something bad to please PM it.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but it looks like it worked out in the end at least.


by DDRCzechFan on 13 April 2012 - 19:04

I agree with conspicuous, but also care to add that at least you found that breeder's "Crazy Button" BEFORE you put money down.


by Beardog on 13 April 2012 - 22:04

HOw much does the breeder put into the welfare and care of the pups and bitch, that's good indicator. Ask others on here that have bought. I got hooked by someone that had all good comments from previous buyers, but I knew how to make it turn out for the good. Chances are that if the pups and bitch are living in a dog box in a pen you should move on!

by magdalenasins on 14 April 2012 - 12:04

The problem is when buying sight unseen because you need pups shipped so you expect a reputable breeder to be able to match a dog to your lifestyle and needs. This particular breeder said he trials his dogs, his website had great testimonials from owners whose dogs he's trained and he was fantastic about answering all of my questions until we got to bloodlines when he got super defensive. Big warning flag there and then he just got mean. Def crazy button hit there, I got whiplash from how fast it all happened. Am glad it worked out for the best, just will be more careful about it in the future. I'm new to the UK and know where I'd buy dogs from in the States but over here it's a whole different ballgame.


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