Experiences from breeding showlines with working lines - Page 5

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by DDRCzechFan on 03 March 2012 - 01:03

It was once explained to me by an old workingline breeder friend of mine; 

"It's like breeding apples to oranges. You never know what you're going to get, you might get a mix that is more apple than orange or more orange than apple, but the inconsistencies are such that I choose not to risk it."

Man if he wasn't right on the money. We all have our preferences in a dog, some like the show dogs, some like the working dogs, which is why we have the split. Others, like myself, would rather have a straight backed, work dog with a GORGEOUS sable coat than any show dog you could ever offer to me.

As long as people, such as myself, have preferences, we will have breed segregation. It's neither good, nor bad, it is what it is, Working fans and Show fans, and the scant few who mix them.


by darylehret on 03 March 2012 - 01:03

Some talk the talk, some walk the walk.


A terrible shock, you knock my mock.
What a crock, can't turn back the clock, take it to the chopping block, outlined in chalk.
Before the boat doth rock, or this thread does lock, by a puppet sock, I'm gonna TAKE THAT WALK!


by Silbersee on 03 March 2012 - 02:03

Bye and good night, darylehret. Here goes another thread with potential for great discussion, hijacked by showline vs. workingline. My sincere apologies to Petros.

by Blitzen on 03 March 2012 - 02:03

Same old......no respect for anyone else's opinions or accomplishments from some who have never so much as titled a dog with a BH.

I hope to make it to Statesville, not sure yet.


by aaykay on 03 March 2012 - 03:03

Silbersee: Hey darylehret, I knew this would draw comments like yours. And that is why I tried to emphasize on structure by using words like phenotype and looks. It is ok though to disagree.

I believe what the other posters tried to put across, was that the phenotype/looks of the SL dogs are not a good structure to model on.  The structure of the SL, has been watered down into a format that makes them unsuitable for any serious work, unlike the WL dogs.  So the phenotype of the SL dogs might appear to be "pretty" to people who are used to seeing them day in and day out, and see them with rose-tinted spectacles.  Once you see the dogs dispassionately, without that "rose tinting", the structure (that it degenerated into over the past couple of decades) of the SL, is definitely not something that ought to be introduced into the WL dogs and should really be considered as deficient. 

PS:  I had showline GSDs as family dogs when growing up, which in turn did not have any of the exaggerated angulations that the current-day showlines tend to emphasize.  The WL dogs on the other hand, are truly close to the GSDs as I remember them.  I recently came back to the GSD and could not bring myself to get a SL dog, and went with a WL dog.

PS2:  As somebody stated above, the SL should simply start all over by going back to where they were 30 years back, and start from there.  But easier said than done, since there is a LOT of money involved in retaining the status-quo and that is how it will probably remain for perpetuity.

by Blitzen on 03 March 2012 - 03:03

aakay et al, have any of you actually seen the results of any of Silbersee, Arlette or Haus Dexel's working x showline breedings?

by beetree on 03 March 2012 - 03:03

I don't think you WL robots are telling Silbersee anything new. The thing is, why do you guys care so? If it is as you say, then it will wither on its own, it does not need your supposed disdain (borne of superiour expertise, of course!) to exist.  You said it yourself... a few little experiments, lol, freaks really-- that just happen to work, nothing for all you snarley jockeys to get frothed about, and maybe need to find some new adjectives, lol!


by darylehret on 03 March 2012 - 08:03

by duke1965 on 03 March 2012 - 10:03

somebody popt the question already , combining them to achieve what , showlinecolour on a workingline dog , as indeed there are beautiful workinglinedogs already , but do we need VA  on a dog to make him capable to work at any job or sport , we have to recognize that the top showjudges will only put the dogs in front , owned by other judges who return the favor , so the breed has nothing to win in that corner , then what is there to win for workinglines , colour?   conformation?  health? stable temperament ? on very few ocassions there are some showlinedogs that bring some extra sharpness , and yes some examples can be named that went ok , but what  are they improving or bringing anything to the breed , that there wasnot already

by beetree on 03 March 2012 - 12:03

Oh, I think they, meaning breeders like Silbersee have a vision. They might be reluctant to share that vision, because as your post above illustrates, it will be soundly put down due to the "garbage in, garbage out" rule. I think it is obvious, that a breeder like Silbersee does not adhere to your criteria, but rather sees something, you don't appreciate.


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