Confusing Titles..... VPG or SchH.....IP or IPO......Same or Different??? - Page 2

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by Mystere on 15 June 2011 - 02:06 Now, why would you cite some little corner website, rather than USCA's archives? Clearly, I have a deep block about his actual placement, so I am in denial. LOL. I clearly remember him winning a yellow aluminum crate there,too. Oh,well, that will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN! :-)

by Duderino on 15 June 2011 - 20:06

Of course it will never happen again, kind of difficult putting the picture of the winner of your National Championship on the cover of the magazine that states "For the German Shepherd Dog"  and it's not a German Shepherd Dog.  How embarrassing.  Will the name of the new and improved USA IPO Organization be the Johannes Group?

It's only a matter of time before the long bite will be eliminated or at least changed to a call off with guarding and a reattack.  It's been happening for years, the things the show line dogs can't do will get eliminated.  Take out the blind attack from SchHI, eliminate the gunfire from the BH, allow head checks and overshot corners on the track, no longer place emphasis on focus healing,,,,,what's next no recalls because it's too much running?  I sure hope the sport rewards some of that droopy head let's see how low my chin can go without hitting the ground heeling that the show dogs do during the blind attack at the Sieger Show, that's so beautiful and inspiring that it sends chills up my spine. 


by Mystere on 15 June 2011 - 22:06

 Isn't  that precisely why some people are actively pursuing the AWDF titles, as well?  smiley


by steve1 on 15 June 2011 - 23:06

The Powers to be should not be making it easier to score points, they should be making it harder to score points that is the whole essence of the sport

by Christopher Smith on 16 June 2011 - 00:06

@Phil, recalls are only 15 paces starting next year. LOL


by Mystere on 16 June 2011 - 20:06

 The new rules, explained by the USCA Director of Judges:


by wesenhund on 16 June 2011 - 20:06

is this world wide change ???


by TingiesandTails on 16 June 2011 - 22:06


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