For Muslim GSD owners/breeders (THREAD ENDED) - Page 3

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by Mystere on 23 December 2009 - 22:12

Another informative, civil thread ruined.  

by SitasMom on 23 December 2009 - 23:12

adi - thanks for your views. very enlightning!

so why people forced to retract when a dog is on a commercial??

buckeyefan gsd

by buckeyefan gsd on 24 December 2009 - 00:12


you are not serious.
this thread is started by a 13 year
you are way out of line.
narrowminded punks like you should
end there own troubles with a .38

by Csense on 24 December 2009 - 00:12


That was disgraceful you should be ashamed of yourself.

by Adi Ibrahimbegovic on 24 December 2009 - 00:12

Why people forced to retract? One word - ignorance on both parties. If Islam could be described in 2 words it would be - "seek knowledge". Of course, that doesn't happen.

Even Prophet Muhammad, himself an uneducated man, who didn't know how to read or write would say - the difference between a God Fearing man (meaning, just an ordinary man who does everything "by the book"but doesn't think anything as to why, how, where, when etc...) and an educated man is like a difference between a full moon and the rest of the stars."

As I recall that stupid outrage happened in England, maybe a few years ago...

They were forced to retract because they are trying to be "politically correct" (this term itself is stupid and meaningless as it doesn't do any debate, but rather sweeps shit under the carpet, as not to offend anyone) and also on a larger scale a complete pussification of the society as a whole.

It is much easier for English police to yank it out and apologize, then to actualy tell them: We have chosen this puppy as we thought it would send a positive message about this campaign blah blah blah. In our society service dogs are used to these roles and we actively use dogs with our military and police. We are sorry if you find this offensive, but IN THIS country it is customary to use dogs for this type of work. We are sorry, if you are offended, but you immigrated into this country, and as an immigrant to this country you should try to integrate yourself into it better and try to learn and use our laguage, and try to understand better our customs,way of life and culture. Thank you and zip it.

Part of the problem is also, that majority of those immigrant there are from Pakistan, , Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh etc... all former Brittish colonies, and their views on these matters is always heavily culturaly influenced with geographical regions where they come from.

The problem with many immigrants,not just Muslims, they "stick to their stuff" when they go to live in another country. For example, Mexicans here in USA, have their "barrios", Chinese people have their "china towns" etc... etc... They stick to their shit and everything "outside" of their little coccoon is "not theirs". A lot of them never learn the language of the new country or anything else for that matter, they speak their own language,go totheir own restaurants, shop in their own shops etc... I have always found that curiously stupid, if you want "all your" stuff, just stay wherever you were before and it'll be all yours and authentic instead of making a life change and a long trek to another continent. Of course, they don't see it that way.

As far as ignorance, that is the biggest driving force of all the misery in this world, since time unknown. As our little buddy who responded with his "post" so eloquenty puts it... Little does he know that "camel herders" and whatever else he harps about , I assume he means Arabic people only represent 16% of the Muslim world... I am as much different from them, culturally, ethnically, with my background etc... as Japanese people are different from say, Swedes. Yet, camel herders etc...

No matter what culture, religious background, educational level etc... people don't like unknown in any shape or form, or something different than what they are accustomed to or what they regard as "best". Hence, the first reaction is hostility: that is stupid, that is barbaric, that sucks, that is wrong, that is backwards etc... Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, yet their opinion is cast in stone and there is no way in hell they are gonna move an inch from it - EVER! Then, by definition there is no dialogue and insults start flowing. Pretty soon it gets out of hand. On a silly internet board like here,

by Adi Ibrahimbegovic on 24 December 2009 - 01:12

On a silly internet board like here, for example, is calling names, on a much bigger scale - it's a real, full blown war. Nothing new under the sun.

This stuff goes for religious intolerance the most. Since you are so adept at Googling and cut and pasting it,you should Google Saladin and see how he dealt with Crusaders almost 1000 years ago hen they had crusade wars over HolyLand and Jerusalem. To me, that land ain't worth shit, a lot of sand, rocks and heat, but people have been spilling blood for centuries over it (and still do!) because of differences and ignorance.

At the end, so far, Muslims have been getting shitty end of the stick and some of them go "radical". Take Osama Bin Laden, for example. That guy is one of the worst excuses of human beings there is today who should be shot on sight. I am wiling to bet my own life that he doesn't know jackshit about Islam, yet he uses it and manipulates young kids into blowing themselves up. Of course, those kids do not know (again, youth and ignorance) and suicide is the biggest sin there is in islam, there is none bigger.

If Osama is Muslim in true sense of the word, I am a Martian.

Even you, a western woman get all heated up about our current president and his shit, because you watched something fair and balanced and something he does goes againt what you think is right. If we are so volal and vitriolic agaist our own president, what chance do "others" have with their point of view. Just something to think about.

I can talk all night, but one should be should know and be a bit versed in world history and historic events, as well as know Christianity, both old and new testament to understand and to have a broad debate about these things.

I was just trying to give my take on the view on the dogs, as it related to dogs, but of course, I went far and wide out of the ballpark, giving an unintential lecture. That was not my intent, but I had to do it that way, so I can give a bit of a "background" in trying to answer that question.

Hope that helps.


by GSDSRULE on 24 December 2009 - 01:12

Why do I care if it was started by a 13 year old? Doesn't he know his own religion?  The part about the police dog cards pissed me off, along with all the other bullshit they do.  I don't like em.  It's my right.  They OFFEND me, coming to other countries and demanding everyone kow tow to their bogus bs.

buckeyefan, you can kiss my ass too.  Suggest I kill myself because I don't like muslims?  And that would be "their" own troubles, ignoramous.  Hey, with muslims taking over the world, I'm pretty sure you will be bouncing your face off a prayer rug soon.   Me, it will be a cold day in hell before I wear a burka and give in to their oh so convenient "outrage." 

Go ahead and ban me, I don't care.  You all spend most of your time bad mouthing each other and bitching about being scammed anyway.  Well, today I gave you a new topic.  Rag on, bitches.

Mystere, boo hoo hoo.     This is a dog board, stupid muslim kid that doesn't even know his own religion started this shit, I'm just willing to give my opinion on an opinion board.

I am not ashamed of myself, you people that give in to this political correctness crap should be ashamed.  Don't come whining to me when they want your dogs, and you women locked up indoors.

Csense, you haven't got any, have you?   Go whine to the playground aid, wah, wah, wah.

What is it that riled you pussies up, the bad language?  Seen that here many times.  My OPINION of muslims?  Too fucking bad.   So far it's still a free country and I can say,  I HATE MUSLIMS.   They sure the fuck don't have a problem saying they hate us, do they?

by Adi Ibrahimbegovic on 24 December 2009 - 01:12

LOL. Shaking my head... Here is the proof of everything I wrote above.

He sort of DOES have an opinion, doesn't he...

by Csense on 24 December 2009 - 01:12

lol he sure does!!!!
I sent u a pm Adi Ibrahimbegovic

buckeyefan gsd

by buckeyefan gsd on 24 December 2009 - 02:12

i pray to nothing.
good health to everyone is what i wish
the radical muslims terrorists are not the majority
and your views are no different than yours.
they just kill instead of talk.


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