German Shepherd Dog Female for sale: Gazella z Jirkova dvora (id: 302284)

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Avoiding scams

German Shepherd Dog - Female for sale

Gazella z Jirkova dvora

Sent by CDPK9

United States   US ←→ Posted from

Updated: Jun 11, 2024 11:56 AM (inserted 6 weeks ago) -> 2978
Gazella z Jirkova dvora Titled: BH-VT, FPr1,FPr2, SPR1,IGP-V, ZVV1,ZVV2 Show: vyborny (excellent) Elbows,hips: 0/0, DNA, DM (N/N) Breed Survey:1st class 5JVQ1/P Gazella z Jirkova dvora is a super breeder of high quality working dogs, will be an asset to those that wants to preserve the old Czech lines that were used at z Pohranicni straze breeding program of former Czechoslovakia border patrol. Gazella is in USA. Vali Chelaru (925) 895-2482

Gazella z Jirkova dvora


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