German Shepherd Dog Female for sale: LASSO GRAFENBRUNN & WACRON RIONE ANTICO females (id: 302171)

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Avoiding scams

German Shepherd Dog - Female for sale


Sent by dogsbest

Germany   DE ←→ Posted from

Updated: May 26, 2024 05:47 PM (inserted 2 months ago) -> 425

Lasso Grafenbrunn daughter: born 12/2021, HD/ED: a-normal, BH

Wacron del Rione Antico daughter: born: 06/2021, HD/ED: a-normal, BH, AD

german SV pink papers - breed after the breedingrules "Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V."

more infos:

whats app: 00491721679397 (first contact by textmessage please - with your full name)

shipping worldwide!


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