German Shepherd Dog Female for sale: Female TOP excellent for sale (id: 302100)

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German Shepherd Dog - Female for sale

Female TOP excellent for sale

Sent by orrylordblack

Czech Republic   CZ ←→ Posted from

Updated: May 20, 2024 05:02 AM (inserted 2 months ago) -> 286
Alla Irbajro(Father: Karo z Údolý Úpi x Mother:Baghíra ze Zděného mlýna) DM N/N - Degenerative myelopathy result N / N (homozygot) ED 0/0 HD 0/0 ( X-ray official) DNA gepr (SV),1.Třída Chovnosti 5VD1/P,VD BH/VT,ZVV1-94/89/95 Young breeding high quality bitch for sale. Super sociable, suitable for sports, breeding and family. For more information, contact me WhatsApp+420602118818

Female TOP excellent for sale


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