German Shepherd Dog Male for sale: Red and black long coat stud Male for sale (id: 302070)

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German Shepherd Dog - Male for sale

Red and black long coat stud Male for sale

Sent by Venschy

Bulgaria   BG ←→ Posted from Bulgaria

Updated: May 16, 2024 12:33 AM (inserted 2 months ago) -> 488
If you need very strong , loyal , brave and tolerant Stud Male with big head and black face , excellent Anatomy , 4 first places in Europa by FCI and SV judges , great Bloodline and to 100% excellent Stud Male ... HD / ED free ... I have it ! Please find me by Facebook : Milena Kirchner Or send me e-mail : We can give recommendations from different costumes in the USA , Europa , Canada and ect. Price is VERY reasonable but is not for Gift !

Red and black long coat stud Male for sale


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