Those Yeasty ears? - Page 1

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by Nans gsd on 12 December 2011 - 16:12

I know in some dogs it is allergy;  can be food allergy, fruits can cause yeast.  Has anyone tried Benadryl when they flare up;  and what has worked best to clear this up.  Are they usually sore?  Thx  Nan

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 12 December 2011 - 17:12

I tried everything, one vet added an anesthetic to the ear drops he had prescribed that was like magic with the scratching and itching.
But it cured nothing, the dog had an infection every few months.
Though set off by allergic reaction was only one trigger, week immune system, genetics was the real cause and there is no cure for that.


by hunger4justice on 12 December 2011 - 17:12

Zymox will save you hundreds of dollars in vet bills...the greatest thing ever for ears and you will avoid a possible hematoma from head shaking too:

With Hydrocortisone for tough cases:

And without for regular cleansing:

by jra on 12 December 2011 - 17:12

My Lab has allergies and gets frequent ear infections.  When only yeast is present, the vet has most recently prescribed Miconazole Lotion w/ Azium and it's been clearing things up pretty well.  I'm always on the lookout for anything else that would work, though.  I've heard of some other remedies and am curious to try them, however, I'm also hesitant to do anything that would exacerbate or make things any worse for her.

Re: whether the ears are sore are not - my dog's ears tend to get red and inflamed and to me, it looks painful/uncomfortable.  Not to mention the violent headshaking and scratching - can't imagine it would feel good.  When she sees the ear medicine come out, she hesitates for half a second before sitting and waiting for it...I think the relief of getting it cleared up trumps the aggravation of having medicine put in her ear(s).

Good luck.


by hunger4justice on 12 December 2011 - 17:12

Oh, and Vetricyn also works for a true infection (anywhere and on you too)...but Zymox will clear things up and keep them clear.  Of course you already know a diet with corn or wheat gives rise to yeast of the ears/paw biting etc.

by Nans gsd on 12 December 2011 - 18:12

OK great I ordered the Zymox.  Thx  knew I could get help here.  Thx again  Nan  He's on raw diet, but gave him some apple the other day;  got it started and now going gangbusters and really sore,  poor boy, but he is also a big pansey, but know it's sore as I tried to clean it and he screamed.  Nan


by wesenhund on 12 December 2011 - 18:12

half white vineger and cooled boiled water, works a treat, if you use it every day until the ear cleans up and then once a week fro preventive, cheap and works

by jra on 12 December 2011 - 20:12

Wesenhund - Just curious, how do you apply - drops and massage?  or wipe ear surface?  And is this solution a 1:1?


by Quest55 on 12 December 2011 - 21:12

zymox works wonders...

by mtndawg on 13 December 2011 - 01:12

I'll 2nd/3rd the zymox.  Works better for me than anything I've been given at the vet.


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