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White Swiss Shepherd Dog - Female
UKC CH Surefire Cameo Appearance
AKC DN03353602 WH
Hip: OFA: Good - Elbows: OFA: Good
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
UKC CH Surefire Obi-Wan Kinobi2000AKC DL85631601 09-02 HD-OFA: Good GS-66188G28M-PI Sire | Regalwise Z'Surefire Of Juel1999AKC DL80794404 02-01 HD-OFA: Good GS-62362G24M-PI Sire | WGSDCA CH/ WGSDCII CHCH Juel's Dakota Dream Catcher WGSDCA CH/ WGSDCII CH1997AKC DL71824501 01-00 White HD-OFA: Good GS-59659G32M-T Sire |
CGC TDIRegalwise Z'Inevitable Juel CGC TDI1998AKC DL72812203 01-00 HD-OFA: Good GS-59185G27F-T Dam | ||
Surefire's Gretta1998AKC DL77908512 02-01 HD- Dam | UKC GRCH Tumbledown's Super Sonic1996AKC DL62530601 08-97 HD-OFA: Good GS-53210G54M-T Sire | |
Anscots Le Meko1996AKC DL64386506 01-98 HD-OFA: Fair GS-53391F24F-T Dam | ||
UKC CH Royal Nala-Pride Of Surefire1999AKC DL80402801 HD-OFA: Good GS-63744G30F-PI Dam | UCD, UAG1, CD, TT, CGCAWSA/WSCC CH. UKC GR Royal Sir Isaac's IQ UCD, UAG1, CD, TT, CGC1997UKC P247-430(AKC DL71817901)(FCPRHD21.273 HD-OFA: Fair (GS-57851F25M-T) Sire | FDCH, AM/CAN CD, ASCA CD, TT, HC, FMX, CGC, TDI,AWSA/WSCC CH Day's IQ FDCH, AM/CAN CD, ASCA CD, TT, HC, FMX, CGC, TDI,1993CKC BJ130955 (AKC DL66962801) HD- Sire |
UAG1, CD, UCD, CGCAWSA/WSCC/UKC CH Royal Kountry Magnolia UAG1, CD, UCD, CGC1995AKC DL59280501 02-98 HD-OFA: Good GS-49770G24F-T Dam | ||
CDX RBIMBS U-CD U-AG1CH (UKC) Moonshadow's Royal Starburst CDX RBIMBS U-CD U-AG11995AKC DL56310203 HD-OFA: Fair GS-49894F30F-T Dam | Ve-Lin's Lord Dexter1990AKC DL33151401 White HD-OFA: Good GS-33036G30M Sire | |
RX, HC, VWF 94%WGSDCII CH Regalwise Remember Me Always RX, HC, VWF 94%1990AKC D954342 12-91 White HD-OFA: Good GS-30896G25F-T Dam |
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