Simple pedigree chart for Fancy Flo Fritzi (738531)

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Simple pedigree chart for Fancy Flo Fritzi

Fancy Flo Fritzi
Sergeant Arnold
(AKCWA231496 [1-63] White)
Leadeau Junior
(AKCW906993 [5-60] White)
(AKCW275101 (white))
CH Western Candidate of Giralda
CH (US) San Miguel's Iva of Rocky Reach CDX
(AKCA624744 (01-43))
Adele of La Salle
(AKCW113468 02-49)
Ranger of La Salle
Carol of La Salle
Ramona (Yankee x Mirabelle)
Yankee of Indiana
Rollaway Ricky
Sanny Sue
(AKCW179027 White)
(AKCW416812 [9-53] White)
(AKCW275101 (white))
White Lady VIII
(AKCW188315 White)
(AKCW492444 [5-60] White)
Yankee of Indiana
Rollaway Ricky
White Major
(AKCW135930 White)
Winnie Wynn
Sanny Sue
(AKCW179027 White)
Soolbad's Judge
(AKCA848417 [9-45] White)
(AKCW57858 (12-47) White)
(AKCW405462 [6-53] White)
(AKCW275101 (white))
Adele of La Salle
(AKCW113468 02-49)
White Lady VIII
(AKCW188315 White)
Blitzen II
(AKCW26873 (03-47))
Princess [45]
(AKCW27635 [4-47])
Lo Princess White Cloud
(AKCWA213692 [1-63] White)
Rin von Kleistweg
Rin-Tin-Tin IV
(AKCW329592 (9-53))
Rin Tin Tin II
Majorette (1945)
Cullen's Tipper
Elbourne Ember
Duncan Sally of La Salle
1956 GV CH (INT US) Bill vom Kleistweg SCHH1 ROM
(SZ874027 (AKC W636720))
Adda vom Reiffeck SchH1
Reina II of La Salle
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam
Winnie of the Lookout
Tom-N-Jerry's Tasco of Hi-Haven
CH (US) Vol of Long Worth ROM
CH (US) Ophelia of Greenfair ROM
Melodious Maid of Half-Acher CD
Sandac Kavir of Long-Worth
Juni Wanne Eickel
Kos White Carlo
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam
Brunonia Alert Nip
No information about the Sire
No information about the Dam


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