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Siblings list for V10 BSZS '16 Gondor von Regina Pacis IPO 3
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: V Afrik Del Timius IPO2, SchH1 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: V Aida vom Nordteich SCHH 1 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: VA(RU) Akselbrunnen Sparta IPO ZTP and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: Alina von der Stadt Mosbach and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: VA FR. Alma Endhus BH SCHH3 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: SG Alma di Cà San Marco SchH1 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: V Amy von Mount Cook SCHH1 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: V Amy von Pallas Athene SchH2 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: Anchei von Schnitzerteam ZTP and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
Mother: Angie vom Radhaus IPO 1 and father: VA Enosch von Amasis SCHH3
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