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Posted: Jul 25, 2019 04:56 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by TawnBawn
Peggy Sue Walker at it again BYB

So I have a wonderful AKC GSD dog, everything i ever wanted. Her name is Luna Vom Blumen Der Rose. I got a letter in the mail a couple months ago saying that:

A parentage verification analysis of American Kennel Club (“AKC®”) DNA Certifications was conducted on a dog in your dog’s pedigree/lineage. The DNA results indicate that this dog could not be the offspring of the parents to which it is registered. Please be advised that this does not imply incorrect parentage or incorrect identity of your dog(s) or any offspring that your dog may have sired and/or whelped.
Because your dog is a direct descendent of a dog in the litter with incorrect parentage, the registration of your dog and its offspring have been placed on referral. This means that American Kennel Club services will not be provided if the dogs in this litter are bred, sold, or transferred, and awards will not be recorded if these dogs participate in any American Kennel Club sanctioned or licensed events. We regret the necessity of taking this action.
The breeder of the litter with incorrect parentage has been notified and we have requested additional DNA samples to determine correct parentage. If correct parentage cannot be established, the AKC® will evaluate the excluded litter to determine if it meets the conditional registration program requirements ( Because your dog’s direct parentage is not in question, there is no action for you to take at this time. All recorded owners will receive written notification at the conclusion of this inquiry.

The Dog's Name is Sargeant Timber Tree who was owned by Peggy Sue Walker and she sold offspring of this dog named Ranger Von Der Gauss to someone to be used as a stud; she got him DNA tested as he had a couple litters now and it's required by AKC to have a stud dogs DNA on file that produces multiple litters and apparently Ranger Von Der Gauss's DNA doesn't match Sargeant Timber Trees!!!

AKC told me that they were in contact with this Peggy Sue Walker and said that they had another possible sire on file that the DNA matched but needed to confirm it with Peggy and needed DNA from the Dam of that litter also. Well peggy said she didn't even know if that dog was alive at that time.....SERIOUSLY??? How do you not know what stud bred your bitch????

And why can't the AKC use the Stud that matched the DNA on the pedigree instead?? Like isn't that how DNA works???Correct me if I'm wrong but all DNA is different correct?

Oh and the person that owns Ranger tried so many times to get ahold of Peggy and left messages but Peggy won't return her phone calls. I myself left a polite message to get back to me to let me know what was going on and not a single thing back. Found her on facebook and messaged her on there...nope nothing...Seriously own up to your mistakes and try to make them right...The person that owns ranger said she had to refund the owners of rangers offspring to keep them happy bc they were livid about this whole situation. At least she is trying to do the right thing.

So now my Luna as well as many other dogs have been dropped to Conditional registration. Not that it bothers me much as I can still breed her and compete in dock diving and agility to earn titles. Luckily I got her DNA tested and the Sire to her first litter DNA tested which is now 4 weeks old. Also bc my breeder DID NOT DNA test her dogs Meika Vom Grewe Haus or Athena Blumen Der Rose, my puppies now are going to be conditional registration and its a pain in the arse to explain that to people that are interested in them. AKC requires a 3 generation of DNA verified dogs in order for it to revert back to regular registration. Hopefully she steps up and becomes the responsilbe breeder she claims to be and gets her two female DNA tested as well.

UGGGGGG So frustrated...okay rant over.....after searching through posts on here I see that This Peggy Sue Walker is famous for being a bad back yard breeder and a scammer to many people....


Posted: Nov 12, 2015 02:55 PM in Scams / Ripoff reports by Kafen
BEWARE!! German Shepherd Security/ Abbas German Shepherds in Au Gres MI is a SCAM

Hi, I posted my story on a different forum by people who have had issues with this company/breeder. Her name is Peggy Sue Walker and I am writing this because I want to warn people of how her scam works. In 2007 my husband was a solider in the United States Army who was serving in Iraq when his truck was targeted and blown up by an RPG missile. He was flown back to the U.S. for treatment back in Fort Lewis, WA. While receiving treatment, there had been some German Shepherds service dogs who had come to visit the wounded soldiers. That is when my husband's love for the breed began. He has been talking about wanting to buy a German Shepherd for YEARS now but I insisted that we waited until our kids were a little older. Now that our youngest is in preschool I finally gave my husband the O.K. for us to start looking. We found so many breeders that we liked it was hard to choose which one to use. I found German Shepherd Security and after reading about a litter they were expecting late October between a sire named Sargeant Timber Tree and a dam named Isis. Both had many puppies with the military and police department, I had to call! Peggy Sue Walker seemed really nice on the phone, answered all my questions and gained my trust quickly. I told Peggy all about our family, about how I'm a stay at home mom, about my husband, about my kids, about how we don't have much experience with the breed but how we have be researching and about our hopes to pay it forward and have our GSD become a certified service dog. She said she was so excited and happy for us. She said we would be so happy with one of her puppies and how great they were. She told me she had one deposit so far on this litter from a woman in a different state for first pick female. We weren't exactly sure which gender we were hoping for but we were leaning towards a female at first. She asked for a deposit of half the asking price of a puppy which was $750. She told me after the puppies were born we would need had to pay her the other $750 within 3 days. This was way higher than any other breeder we looked at asked for and this should have been a huge red flag. Ironically, that was about how much we had put aside for our children for Christmas so we had it and we gave it all to her through PayPal. All this took place on October 5th. After we placed our deposit we stated looking into trainers. We found an AMAZING trainer not far from where we lived name Steve with a company called WMK9. We got in touch with him and he gave us so many helpful tips on how to choose a puppy, went over how the training would work, everything. He really took the time with us and answered all of questions. Steve told us he personally thought a male would be better for our family so I got ahold of Peggy and switch our preference to first pick male. Fast forward to October 29. I hadn't heard from Peggy in awhile but she said the puppies were due around that time and the excitement was eating myself and my family up. I sent her a text asking about how things were going. She told me that Isis and Sareant actually tied for the first time on September 1 and a typical pregnancy would be around 63 days but could be anywhere from 60-68 days. That put the due date more so around November 3. It kind of bothered me that I felt mislead about the due date but I tried not to think much of it. Knowing the puppies were due any day, my husband and I took our kids shopping and let the pick out a collar and dog bed for our puppy. To add to our growing excitement we rented the movie "Max" and had a lot of fun talking and dreaming about our future puppy. I tried not to bother Peggy the whole next week and waited as patiently as I could before I finally contacted her on November 6 to ask about how things were going. She said Isis still hadn't had her puppies, her belly was small and the litter would most likely be only 1 or 2 puppies. She told me that if the puppies weren't born that weekend that she would bring Isis to the vet on Monday. I was worried because she had told me she always had such healthy and large litters when I talked to her on the phone so I spent that weekend researching on what causes small litters. I learned a lot that weekend about dogs and the process of breeding and pregnancy. I was very anxious that whole weekend but tried again not to bother Peggy so I waited until Monday evening to contact her. A few hours later she responded by telling me Isis was not pregnant and had never been pregnant. I was devastated! She said she was expecting a litter with a different dog that was due November 17th. One huge problem with that litter, she told me she didn't have the female and she was in Virginia and she needed to sell her older dogs in order to get the money to pick her up. I was kind of taken back when she said that because she had posted that litter on and her personal website so she could take deposits for it. Why would you take deposits on a litter you don't even own yet? I guess it makes sense to her though, I mean she was after all posting an expectant litter online to a female she knew wasn't even pregnant. My other problem with that litter was I had seen that online and saw she had said the owners of this litter should be experienced. That scared me. I asked instead about a different female on her dam page that said would be bred with a certain male. Peggy ignored my inquiry about that and insisted I get one from this upcoming litter. She said the puppies were worth more than the litter we had our deposit. I'm not a breeder, I'm not into dog shows, I don't understand these titles and what they mean. All I know is I didn't feel comfortable with the experience recommended for this breeding. She told me I would be fine and kept pushing it. I refused and asked if we could get our deposit back. I told her, if these puppies are worth more than the litter we wanted to buy from we would both benefit from her just selling the puppy to someone else and then just using $750 from that sale to pay us back. That's when she stopped responding. The next morning I went online and researched Peggy some more and that is when I found a forum on this site with many people talking about how Peggy had burned them. That's when it hit me, I spent all our Christmas money on a scam. I started bawling! I tried to call Peggy, she didn't answer. I then sent her a text about what I had just read and begged and pleaded with her not steal our money. Not knowing what else to do I went back to the forum and shared my experience. I received some emails from others who have dealt with her apologizing for what had happened but told me we will never see our money again. They said Peggy would say she would make things right but then ignore me and never follow through. That is exactly what was happening. I guess after my text to Peggy about what I saw online, she came on here and saw my posting. She texted me back saying she would make things right, that I can have a puppy from this litter I wasn't interested in and that she would get back with me after she posted to someone else in that forum. I never heard back from her that day. I sent her more texts, pleading with her, begging for our deposit back telling her I was trying to be civil and I didn't think it was fair for her to take such a huge deposit from me on a litter she never confirmed. She still didn't respond. The next morning I got a call from my mom saying my grandpa was rushed to the hospital by an ambulance, he's not doing well and doesn't have much longer to live. This is our last holiday with him and I did not want to let my drama with Peggy to ruin our last holiday season with him. That is when I got more firm with her. I sent her a text telling her about my grandpa and telling her that I am not going to play this game with her any longer. I told her if I did not work things out with her by the time I dropped my daughter off at preschool that afternoon that I would be done dealing with her. I went back to that forum one more time. After writing on the forum Peggy sent me another text saying she had emailed us (that was a lie) after going back and forth about how she hadn't she sent me a text with what she had said in the "email". She basically told me again that she will use our deposit on a different litter and asked why I had asked about her litter between Kara and Anzor and what had changed. She told me she was upset that I had posted online with a warning that she doesn't own the female to the litter she is trying to collect deposits on and if she doesn't get the money to buy that female before someone else does, she wont have any puppies to sell for Christmas. I am so sorry Peggy Sue Walker that I might be possibly saving other innocent families from your scam. I simply wrote her back that what changed is I no longer trust her and that I spoke with an attorney who told me I would have a case if I brought her to court. I warned her I would stop at nothing to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else. I have not heard back from her since then and I know I wont. I received a photo from another breeder who was burned by Peggy with the proof of a text message between them on October 14th in which Peggy told her that Isis was not pregnant and she had nothing bred at that time. That is my proof that the whole time she knew and play into our excitement knowing we would never receive a puppy. Peggy Sue Walker is one of the most evil people I have ever dealt with. She does not care about anything besides money. Without a second thought, she stole my children's Christmas and our hopes and dreams. She is a Grinch. Her ad is still active on puppyfind and her website for this litter she will probably never have. It is my hope in writing this that I have saved someone from putting their hard earned money down and their emotions into a puppy they will never see.

Posted: Mar 03, 2019 08:38 AM in Scams / Ripoff reports by Hundmutter
BEWARE! Peggy Sue Walker German Shepherd GSD Breeder!
While I'd be the last to spring to this breeders defence - as has been shown, and there is more, Peggy Sue Walker does not have the best reputation on this board - I have to agree with points posted above by Reardon and mydaddysjag.

It is unclear what efforts you / your mother went to, when making initial contact, to confirm the breeder's status as a Service Dog provider - did you do any research on buying a dog, or did you just go for the first ad, and take what the one advert said as Gospel ? So you may have committed Classic Mistake No.1 - failure to do homework / due diligence, and evaluate reputation. People give more care to buying washing machines than they do choosing breeders.

I expect it was very upsetting to get that response from her to your dog's cancer - she should certainly brush up on her people skills.
Nobody wants to hear it could have been their fault the dog got ill, for sure. But as has been said above, many cancers do not have clear hereditary links, so it is hard to see how any breeder could produce dogs that never ran any risk of getting sick from one - and many dog breeders do try very hard to avoid what diseases they can. And actually whatever your Vet said, many people here have lost equally young dogs to aggressive cancers, that really isn't as rare as we'd all like it to be !

And its probably not a good idea for any breeder to take a booking and a deposit on a pup of a particular sex and then not supply that sex, or sell the only available one to somebody else (though the other purchaser may have been waiting longer than you, of course there is that possibility); but they can't predict how many dogs versus bitches they will get in any one litter. You really would not want somebody to keep breeding extra dogs just to ensure every buyer wound up with the preferred sex ?

So sorry you lost Skye so very early in her adult life ( a 2 year old is generally regarded as a 'young adult', not a puppy any longer);
but it sounds as though, for the short time you had her, she lived up to your expectations as an Assistance Dog for your epilepsy. You cannot take that away from the picture; and so it seems the breeder did produce 'the goods', whatever else she is like.
Posted: Nov 12, 2015 04:02 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by bomanjl
BEWARE!! German Shepherd Security/ Abbas German Shepherds in Au Gres MI is a SCAM

I'm afraid I also didn't do enough research about Peggy Sue Walker. She came to my farm, with a friend of hers, to look at horses that we raise and sell. She seemed wonderfully friendly, outgoing and we genuinely liked her. She visited our farm a few times and brought her German Shepherd, Troas, along for me to meet because I had a German Shepherd I was planning to breed. She talked me into using two different stud dogs, but when Troas (my first pick) hadn't yet successfully covered my female I asked her to only use one stud (my first choice, Troas) and I didn't care if I would only have solid black pups in the litter. I wanted a Troas puppy. After a few days she texted me and told me the dogs had successfully tied! A couple days later she informs me that it wasn't with Troas, though I had specifically requested she not use my second choice male. I couldn't believe she would have bred her to a different male, without asking me IF I was OK with that and then not even mention that it wasn't my first pick when she first told me.  Troas NEVER bred my female and then, to make matters worse, my female aborted the pregnancy and had to be spayed. Peggy guaranteed "live puppies, a breeding for another female, or a puppy from another litter". I requested a puppy from a Troas litter, which she eventually agreed to when I pointed out that SHE offered this in her contract. We discussed several different dogs, litters, pups...I finally decided and she gave me "First pick" so I anxiously waited until the due date she had given me. I hadn't heard anything from Peggy about the litter so I contacted to see how things were going. Peggy then informs me that her dog lost the litter and that she only had one other litter due. This would have been the litter that Kafen put a deposit on.  This is the dog she told me that she believed was not pregnant  on 10/14/2015, though she continued to allow Kafen to believe that the litter was due. The litter was not sired by either of my stud choices and the puppy would have been a half sibling to the young male that I purchased from Peggy, to potentially use for future breeding. I asked Peggy when she would have another litter from one of the two studs that I had chosen and she then informed me that my first pick was now too old for breeding and my second pick had been sold. I requested a refund. She refused and insisted I could have a "complimentary breeding" or that she would trade me the male I purchased for another male and an older breeding female. I am not interested in parting with the dog I have been training, caring for, and making a part of my life and family for the last 9 months. She now refuses to even communicate with me because I won't part with my dog. She attempted to renegotiate our contract several times so that she could get horses, breedings to my stallion, puppies from future litters (if she provided the dog or puppy), etc...she has my $1500 and thinks she can force me to give her what she wants or thinks she can force me to buy dogs I have no interest in. I have never been so insulted or mistreated.

I have proof of her agreements via text, paypal,  and in our original contracts.   I have text messages that show her stories changing and her lies. If anyone doubts our claims, I am willing to share this information privately, though some of it is pictured in a post I submitted when I was attempting to get more info on Peggy. 

It's unfortunate that she continues to take advantage of people. 


Posted: Feb 10, 2009 02:10 PM in Main by spernagsds
MI People to be WARY OF.....
Ok, everyone has asked who??  Who was involved in the puppy stealing thing.  I dont know exactly who..  wish I did, however I know of people who deal closely with Lisa...

I know of at least one whom lurks on this board, a male. PM me and I will tell his name.  The others VERY closely in business with Lisa are Peggy Sue Walker, And a male named Lani... not sure of the last name. 
Lisa also has close relations to Chip Weiss.  I have never personally delt with Chip so its all on what YOU know.  I am sure there are more but I really dont have names other then this..   Just be careful.. Ask lots of questions, and if you are buying from a "breeder" ask a ton more questions.

Shannan  :)
Posted: Dec 30, 2015 07:46 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by KETCAT
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker
I personally knew a girl who was buying her dream dog off Peggy Sue walker a few years back.This girl saved her money for months to buy this female German Shepherd off Peggy Sue.Mainly because the dog was trained and used to small pets and children etc.
The guarantee was phenomenal and the female was supposed to be trained with other pet's,housebroke,and very good with small children. Peggy sue sent a stack of photos off the database as the dogs lines,and she was also OFA etc. Peggy Sue insisted she would take this dog back in an instant if their was any problem at all.By the way" She uses religion and her God Bless's in every other sentence of her correspondence to this girl.That alone would of been a big red flag to me but the buyer fell for that hard.
The dog finally came and was half the size she was supposed to be and very thin,way too hyper and crazy in the home.It was a nightmare for these people,this dog killed the familys cat,tore up their home and acted like a feral dog off the streets. She bit 2 people before she was sent to a rescue because Peggy Sue refused to respond and totally shafted this inocent girl.
I see all kinds of posts about this women on here.How can she still be deceiving people and getting away with it for years?
Posted: Nov 10, 2015 03:48 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by Kafen
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker

I put a $750 deposit down on a litter Peggy Sue Walker was expecting between Sargeant Timber Tree and Isis for pick of the litter for a male. She told me the puppies were due the end of October and would be ready by Christmas. October 29th I contacted her out of curiosity on how things were going. She informed me that Isis and Sargeant had first tied on September first and that the pregnancy would be around 63 days (putting the expecting due date around November 3) but that it can be anywhere from 60-68 days. She said she would let me know once Isis started showing signs of nesting. A week later I still hadn't heard from her so I contacted her again asking about the pregnancy. She told me Isis wasn't very big and this would be a small litter, maybe one or two puppies and that there still weren't any signs of nesting. She told me if the puppies weren't born that weekend she would take Isis to the vet on Monday. I contacted her yesterday evening to ask if she was able to get Isis into the vet and how the puppies were doing. She wrote me back saying Isis doesn't have any puppies in her and she didn't know what happened. She told me I could look at another litter she is planning on having around November 17th. I'm not really interested in a puppy from that litter and I definitely don't want to spend that much money for a puppy on a litter I'm not interested in. She told me she doesn't even have the dam that is expecting this litter, she is in Virginia and she has to sell some of her older dogs so she can drive down and get her. I told her I wasn't interested in that litter and asked about possibly getting our money back and now she wont respond to me. I'm not sure what to do right now.

Posted: Nov 10, 2015 04:50 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by German Shepherd Security
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker
Well it's very sad to hear Jessica Boman blasting me on pedigreedatabase when she is full aware that I am willing to honor another breeding. My stud got her dam pregnant. I had warned Jessica to keep "Anne" safe from the other dogs and not to let her run the pasture (as she was running intensely when I visited her horses). I even offered to keep Anne at my place until she was ready to whelp her puppies. Jessica's preferred breeding was to Troas v Cimmerian but Troas would not have anything to do with her and I kept them together 24 hours a day and also tried keeping them apart and then letting him in with her. Anne was kept inside my home, not in a kennel, the entire 2 weeks she was here. I did not even charge Jessica for keeping Anne here. Anne was a fine animal and I was even hoping to get a puppy from the litter. When Jessica called me and said Anne got slammed by another one of her dogs and Anne was bleeding, I said she should get her to the vet immediately. Well Jessica was busy and wasn't able to get Anne to the vet until the next day, at which time she allowed Anne to be spayed. My stud did his job and due to an unfortunate accident, Anne lost the litter. I was kind enough to offer another breeding but now that Jessica has a young male from me, (which she purchased and also owes me 2 breedings from him) she no longer wants the complimentary breeding I am offering her, she wants a puppy instead. My contract stated that I would honor a puppy if my stud did not get her dam pregnant. Well, her dam was pregnant. This is all so unfortunate and if there are any breeders who can "weigh in" on this, please feel free. Since Jessica owes me 2 breeders, I am very concerned that something could happen to "Ranger" which is out of Sargeant Timber Tree and Dunja v Guardian, and then I wouldn't even be able to attain my 2 breedings. AKC has inspected and approved my facility, they were here 7 years ago and again 2 months ago, so for any one concerned about the condition of my dogs, the house dogs are overweight and the outside dogs are normal weight with a few lean because they are working dogs and nonstop running. My dogs are fed 6 cups of food a day. All the water they can drink. I hoped Jessica would just take this to court because then we could each explain our position and let a judge decide but unfortunately some people run to social media and feel some sort of power in voicing their opinions like this. There are always two sides to every story and whoever the lady is who said her dog has bad hips????? I don't know who you are and I've never heard from you. The guy named "Steve" (zigzag) purchased a dog from my that was owned and bred by Cimmerian German Shepherds, I was doing a favor to help Chip sell his puppies because he fell and got a concussion. This Steve (zigzag) has been relentless to try and tear down my breeding program and he only paid $500 for that puppy out of 2 Titled Imported Parents!!! I told him that the female puppy had not been socialized because of Chip's illness and that I was merely helping him get the pups into homes and Steve even bragged on how well the pup was doing and sent me pictures of her. I don't understand how people can be so small and pathetic online. Steve was banned from because of the multiple times he was slamming me. I had to send emails to the owners of puppyfind for verification and they finally banned him. However, this site (pedigreedatabase) lets it rip, no matter which way it goes, it's free speech so everyone has to decide for yourself what you are going to believe. So if you are out there and want to email me and have any issues, please contact me: or and everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Blessed Christmas. Sincerely, Peggy Sue Walker
Posted: Oct 16, 2015 02:29 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by bomanjl
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker

I purchased a dog and a breeding from Peggy Sue Walker, the owner German Shepherd Security.
The breeding failed, the litter was lost and the dog was spayed as recommended by multiple vets (including hers).
Her contract stated live puppies or a puppy from another litter. We agreed I would get a puppy in lieu of the breeding. That litter was lost and she now refuses to provide a puppy or a refund.
She no longer has one of the males I agreed to breed to, or pick a puppy from, and the other she claims she will no longer use for breeding due to his age.
She then offered me an older female dog instead of the puppy, IF I trade her the male dog I purchased (that I do not want to part with) for another male she claims doesn't fit her breeding program.
When I told her I wouldn't trade my male but I would like more info on the female she offered, she tells me it won't work for her unless I trade my dog.
Unfortunately I didn't do enough homework prior to doing business with Peggy, as there seem to be several other people who have had issues when dealing with her.
I'm afraid court is my only option in this situation.
To those of you who have purchased dogs from this kennel or who have dealt with this breeder, I would like to hear about your experiences and I'm curious to know if some of the situations I have read about where ever resolved.
Thank you


Posted: Nov 11, 2015 01:46 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by Kafen
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker

Peggy Sue told me she would make things right with me but refuses to tell me how. She is no longer responding to me which is what I was told would happen from some of you with past experiences with her. I am not being difficult or disrespectful to her. I am simply refusing a puppy from a litter she claims she is expecting on the 17. If anyone is reading this who is thinking of possibly buying from Peggy Sue, please don't. If our stories aren't enough to keep you from checking her out, please at least learn from my situation and do not put money down on a litter that hasn't been born yet. I would wait until you can pick the puppy up and see it in person before you pay her anything. She took my family's hard earned money that we had set aside for Christmas for a litter that never existed. Our family is devastated. My husband was medically discharged after being injured in Iraq and we had high hopes to have our GSD trained as a service and protection dog. We found a really good trainer and he was advising us on which puppy to pick. I believe she knew the dog wasn't pregnant long before she finally told us. In the mean time we were researching and dreaming, we bought our puppy a dog bed and a collar, my daughter was checking out books on GSDs from her school library, we rented the movie max and our kids and us would talk about how excited we were to get our puppy. I know it may sound silly to some of you, but this meant a lot to us. I just want to warn anyone out there who is thinking of buying from Peggy Sue Walker to be extremely cautious. She is trying to take deposits right now on a litter from a female she doesn't even have. The dog is in Virginia. If for any reason that falls though, you will have nothing to show for it.

Posted: Apr 01, 2016 05:49 AM in German Shepherd Dog forum by hexe
Kennel name
And well, well, well, isn't it interesting that both dogs in the links DenWolf posted just happen to be tied to Peggy Sue Walker, aka German Shepherd Security, who presently has a thread running about her scamming multiple people in their dealing with her when it came to breeding or buying dogs...

susie, I agree with you that it's a display of poor character when someone intentionally usurps someone else's kennel name in order to trade upon the rightful owner's reputation--especially when that usurper can almost be guaranteed to NEVER do anything that would reflect positively on the real kennel name. Here in the US, however, the only kennel names that are off-limits when it comes to the main registry body [the American Kennel Club] are the ones that are registered with that organization...and it's not easy to register one's kennel name with the AKC, either.
So theft of foreign kennel names will assuredly continue here in the US. As will the changing of kennel names being used by a single individual in an effort to distance themselves from previous shady dealings and scams they've perpetrated.

Worse yet, now the AKC also allows someone who purchases a dog that is already registered with them to change the dog's registered name, which I think is heinous, but which of course makes more $$$$ for the registering body.

Posted: Oct 31, 2011 01:59 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by cordon
Advice on issue with breeder...
Peggy Sue has a history of not refunding money and sending crappy dogs. Years ago she send 2 or 3 young dogs (one after the other did not work out) to a State Trooper friend just to find out none of them would make it as Police dogs. He was charged the price of the young adult and was out of three time shipping the dogs back to her in Michigan. It's been 5 yrs and he still has not seen a refund.

Let this be a lesson to anyone not to purchase ANY dogs from Peggy sue Walker, Abba.s German shepherds.

Posted: Jul 26, 2019 02:10 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by Koots
Peggy Sue Walker at it again BYB

So, even though your dog's lineage is in question, you figure it's still OK to breed her with that unkown?   How does that make you any different than the infamous BYB Peggy Sue Walker that you are ranting about?   Just had to ask.

Posted: Nov 06, 2015 07:28 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by srfwheat
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker
As I said above, I had my female German Shepherd from Peggy Sue Walker's kennels hips/elbows x-rayed this morning. My vet thought her hips/elbows looked good, but not sure how OFA will grade them. They may see something different so I will have to wait until I get the results back from OFA to see how they graded them. My female weighted 74 pounds this morning. She is very intelligent and trainable. I had at least 5 compliments on how beautiful she is while waiting in the vet's office.

I hate you had such a bad experience with her. I do know she is downsizing her kennel. Before she began downsizing she sold many of her puppies to the military, police department, etc. Whether she is downsizing or not, it is my opinion she should honor her agreement with you.
Posted: Mar 02, 2019 09:05 PM in Scams / Ripoff reports by Jefferey
BEWARE! Peggy Sue Walker German Shepherd GSD Breeder!

I first heard about Peggy when I was looking around for Service Dog GSD Breeders/Trainers, As a 21 year old growing up with very aggressive epilepsy, I decided it might be a good idea to have a partner/companion by my side to help me, Skye did every bit of her job for her whole 2 years, it was first after I noticed she was breathing excessively (I noticed these things very easily as she slept with me every night), me and my mother took her straight to the veterinary hospital to see what was wrong, they couldn't find anything, they suggested an x-ray. After finally getting the results the Vet came in the room to share with us that my 2 year old pup had an enlarged tumor growing up against her chest wall pushing up against her heart; going to the best possible cancer treatment center in Michigan we did everything we could for her and with how aggressive Lymphoma was they gave her 3-6 months with herbal medicine and 6-12 with Chemotherapy. with a two year old puppy to develop extremely aggressive cancer at such a young is uncanny, She lasted 4 months with Chemotherapy costing over $7,000 not including X-rays We told Peggy the news she texted me back told me we must of fed her bad food.

When I purchased Skye from Peggy I was looking for a male, she kept changing her mind on the price she wanted for the dog; I mentioned to her I needed a strong companion with a good temper and a service dog for my needed treatment, she called us later that day and spoke to my mother, and mentioned she would normally charge $2,500, but she could do $1,500 because she claimed to have a reputation breeding Service K9's in her area and also because of my circumstances. Also she would need a down payment of $500 for the male.

The original puppy we agreed to purchase she called to tell us that mother lost the babies and had a miscarriage so we nicely asked for our deposit back, she refused but told us we could have our pick on the next on the next litter. After a month or so she called to tell us that she had 3 females and 2 males but she is keeping one of the males and she sold the other.

The month before I purchased Skye I just recently came out of an incident that I am still now recovering from, being practically brain dead after 5 days of status-epilepticus. I was in a state of condition, I could hardly speak for myself let alone process the thoughts that came to mind; Peggy was clever enough to take advantage of it,

Posted: Nov 06, 2015 03:13 AM in German Shepherd Dog forum by srfwheat
looking for more info on Peggy Sue Walker

In the OP you stated that She no longer has one of the males I agreed to breed to. Was that male, by any chance, Troas von Haus Cimmerian? I know Peggy Sue Walker had him pictured as one of her stud dogs a couple of months back on her website. I am just curious as to what happened to him. Thank you.

Posted: Oct 28, 2011 06:37 PM in German Shepherd Dog forum by djc
Advice on issue with breeder...
lol (not that this situation is funny at all) But I was just about to say it sure sounds an awful lot like Peggy Sue Walker! AND it IS!! There have been MANY threads on here about her and none of them have been good.
If I were you I would contact the State Police anyway as well as the court system and file a small claim. Not all of them own dogs from her or are associated with her and the court system should not be biased.


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