“OUR BREEDS FUTURE IN OUR HANDS” (UK) article now on website - Page 9

Pedigree Database

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by petowner on 01 October 2009 - 17:10

Videx, are you saying that there are false pedigree certificates being issued to the puppy buying public in England ?.  If this is true how can any breeder know what they are breeding with or even when they pay to use a stud dog know if the dogs pedigree is correct ?. 

by Jago on 01 October 2009 - 17:10

LOL DP You have truly lost the plot if you seriously think myself and Pencil are the same person! Still, I shall let you think what you want to sweetheart. Maybe we hit a raw nerve about your friend Malcolm? Pedigree fraud is pedigree fraud I don't care how long ago it was. That waste of space caused a lot of grief at the time for some breeders and quite a few no longer keep or breed GSD because of it.

Petowner - There probably are false certificates being issued to puppy buyers and breeders  I am sure. Malcom Griffiths (Bedwin affix) who I was referring to was actually taken to court for such a thing. There was an article floating around about the whole sordid mess. I'll see if I can find it and post it up on here. No one should forget what went on although some people I'm sure would like it to be forgotten.


funky munky

by funky munky on 01 October 2009 - 18:10

Jago, some time ago i offered Pencil some counselling for his problems, so far he has declined. You are offered the same, if the two of you ever want to talk just get in touch. You will find talking about your issues really does help. You really must try to let go of the past, move on, drop the bitterness and remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Pencil if you are reading, my offer still stands as i am becoming increasingly concerned about your sanity. Liz

by petowner on 01 October 2009 - 18:10

Thank you Jago.    I did know about the Bedwin kennel because a lady at our club had one of them.   I did not know it was that common. I suppose there are more unscrupulous breeders than one would like to think there is.  My wife ( before we met ) was unfortunate in owning a dog from a kennel that were later well known for very bad practices and that was the Vondaun kennel.  No I'm not gossiping, just being factual. Her dog's temperament was very bad and he had severe skin troubles and then had fits at 3 yrs old.

by pencil on 01 October 2009 - 18:10

jago-you have lifted another rock and found liz ?

she's probably another malcolm fan, certainly a " schhh keep it all quiet type " there again wouldn't want to upset her chances at shows !

funky munky

by funky munky on 01 October 2009 - 18:10

There are many  unscrupulous breeders out there, thankfully they, hopefully are a minority. I have had dealings myself with one such breeder long ago, but i did not let it make me bitter llike Pencil and co. who cannot move on. This has nothing to do with this thread and as usual Pencil has ruined it, although i have to say by replying to him we have given him exactly what he was looking for.  We all should really try to ignore him, no matter how tempting it may be to reply to his rantings!!! Liz

by Jago on 01 October 2009 - 18:10

Lizzy - I feel you maybe the one who needs counseling. If Pencil bothers you so much with his posts then why bother to retaliate I wonder? Best crawl back under that rock I disturbed you from. I would guess that yes you are another Malcolm fan but unlike DP, you choose to keep that one close to your chest.

funky munky

by funky munky on 01 October 2009 - 18:10

Jago, you've got Lizzy worried about your state of mind now!!  Lizzy.


by jaymesie51 on 01 October 2009 - 23:10

Liz i like you will no longer reply to the little green monsters from planet envy i will try harder to ignore them and not spoil the little boys games infact we should all try harder to ignore them and hopefully the funny farm will take them back
jim h


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