Litters affecting health - Page 5

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by TessJ10 on 27 January 2011 - 13:01

sable 59 writes: "tess.i have never seen so many people that is always so eager to argue. this is a thred. post and say what you want. don't throw rocks at somebody that don't do it like you or your group."

sable59, READ MY POSTS on this thread.  I never threw rocks at anyone. You are mixing me up with someone else.  Stop it.

by bazza on 27 January 2011 - 13:01

Abby , Thanks for that, kinda thought it was after my time, 1999. Not that it would have affected me before then as I never took 6 litters from any female. Just curious as to how all these puppy farmers who breed every season until a female drops, gets by the law, or the KC for that matter.  Forgot the KC turn a blind eye to any money making for them.

by nanu on 27 January 2011 - 14:01

An obviously "hot item" for some and unfortuntately not enough factual information in some of the posts (while there are some good facts presented, others are with a little too much emotion) so poster Please Do This:

Talk to a veterinary reproductive specialist, (Generally at Vet Schools and some in private practice)  get all the history on the bitch to include the # of litters, # of puppies in each litter, and how old when she whelped each.  How is this bitch housed and how / what is she regularly fed.  If you do proceed with purchase after knowing the above then the following:

Then in the purchase, ask for a warranty on health for breeding soundess. 

And learn about what you might have to take care of should you have any whelping problems just because no matter how good we all are, they do sometimes happen.

The foundation of our breeding programs is in our females and their care is important.

Good luck

Nancy Rhynard

by sable59 on 27 January 2011 - 15:01

stop it!! gives me some fond memories of when mom was alive. Tess, i am sorry but agreeing with someone throwing rocks makes you accessory to the facts and therefore guilty as charged. you are right nancy and i have talked to my vet. evidentlt some posters are using their own thoughts.

by TessJ10 on 27 January 2011 - 15:01

So sable59, this to you is throwing rocks?  

TessJ10 wrote:  "Not necessarily; it depends on the dog. ......So to specifically answer your question, no, 3 litters does not = poor lifelong health, UNLESS the bitch has other health issues or is a hard keeper herself. Don't write her off just on the numbers."

and this:

"It's my thought that you can't make blanket statements like multiple litters = bad health, because although for some bitches this is true, for others it isn't. I'm sure it's very common for caring, reputable breeders to make breeding decisions on a dog by dog basis - this dog I bred twice, this one I wouldn't do that. Just like it's common for uncaring people to truly breed unhealthy dogs until they're run into the ground, and because of their poor health 2 litters in a row is definitely too much for them."

Aha!  Just occurred to me:  did you think these posts were specifically about you???  They weren't, but very interesting if that's what you thought. If that's the case, yes, that is very revealing about you.

Is that what you thought? That it was about you?

Otherwise, who did I agree with that was throwing rocks?  I'm really asking, because I have no idea what you're talking about in your accusations against me in this thread.

by sable59 on 27 January 2011 - 15:01

Tess, i am totally through with this. i have more important things to do. my sister is a practicing psychologist. i don't need it from you..

by TessJ10 on 27 January 2011 - 15:01

Ah, and that answers all my questions very well.  Thank you.

by Jeff Oehlsen on 27 January 2011 - 16:01

 Quote: Just curious as to how all these puppy farmers who breed every season until a female drops,

One of the points I was making is that a female shouldn't look like crap after a litter. No one said that breeding a female back to back to back should be the norm, but that it is possible, and that a healthy female should be able to do so without falling apart.

If a bitch melts after a litter, then there are problems there.

by noddi on 27 January 2011 - 19:01

i keep wondering why some of yu americans kept quoting about refering to vets.Our UK kennel club have restricted registration to 4 litters per bitch as from 2012 ON ADVISE FROM THE BRITISH VETERINARY ASSOCIATION.They have also put a restriction on the amount of litters born by C.Section to no more than 3 i think BUT the British Vet. Assoc.wants it reduced even further to 2.sorry to go off topic,but others are quoting links to vet.advice.Carole S.

by Jeff Oehlsen on 27 January 2011 - 20:01

 Yes, I am sure the british veterinary association should be in control of breeding. In a few years when they are not seeing as many dogs, I am sure that they will tell you something else. 

The mere fact that anyone would breed a bitch that needs a C section more than the one time amazes me. I would NEVER breed that bitch again.

I have no idea why anyone would ask breeding advice from a Vet. Kinda like asking marital advice from a 17 year old car mechanic.


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