What makes a working line gsd breed worthy? - Page 3

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by Slamdunc on 24 June 2010 - 16:06


You wrote:
A GSD is worthy when it is an example of the breed standard.

conformation, temperament, and proving its ability with a title.

conformation - because poor conformation causes injuries and inability to work.

temperament - because a working dog with poor temperament is not trustworthy

ability - all German shepherds are supposed to be able to work at something - Sch, Herding, Leading the blind., search and rescut, detection etc..

Is that really how you feel?  Do you practice that in your breedings?  Please explain your breeding of Hero and Sita?

Just curious,


Red Sable

by Red Sable on 24 June 2010 - 16:06

Hero and Sita have  bred?


by steve1 on 24 June 2010 - 17:06

What the fuck are you talking about What high horse are you refering too i posted my thoughts on it It must have hit a sore spot with you
YOU always react the same way if anyone goes against your methods or what you think, Grow up you self righteous twit for you are acting like a bloody fool and i guess you are one in real life
What qualities in a Dog i think they should have is above

WELL boyo lets forget the SchH titles you seem to despise so much and go on to Dogs working in other fields like Sar as the guys put it or anything else, Yes, i am all for breeding from these Dogs and never said otherwise  SO long as they are Korclassed , they then qualify to be bred from

No dog  should have a chance to breed at all if it has not been Korclassed, Hips and elbows right and DNA then it is simply not breed worthy according to the record books but i guess people like you do not bother with rules you abide by your own made up ones However there are people on here who do follow the rules laid down and i am one of them , Although in 60 years of keeping mostly thoughbred dogs of one breed or another i have never bred one litter of pups
Now if Izzy gets her ScH 3 by the end of 2011 Korclassed 1 or 2, then i may consider it because if she gets that her breeding is impeccable she will then be an asset to the breed not otherwise,
 IF she fails on one item she will never be bred thats how strongly i feel about breeding these dogs
 Too many Crap dogs are being bred from in this world it needs tightening up wholesale but people will just ignore it They are not interested in the breed as such only the Dollars and Sterling it brings in for them and that is the truth
The SV lay down the rules but few follow them
and judron55 i will continue to post as i feel fit Not you or anyone else can change that so keep your snide remarks to yourself  If i have anything to say to you personally i will tell you outright on here Not in a PM everyone can read it then you can Lump it


by judron55 on 24 June 2010 - 20:06

wow....steve1...you act like a girl.....you spouted the F bomb....wow, you sure got my attention.....now as I mentioned before....plenty of good dogs never hit the schutzhund field and since I live in the USA....what does the SV have to do with it? As you can see....hopefully, even witht that great system....shit hits the fan quite often.....then they land here in the USA:-) By the way steve11111, I never said not to breed to the SV liking....just posted a thought different from yours and you went apeshit.....as usual....sure glad you're living over there:-)...platz.....See ya!


by steve1 on 24 June 2010 - 21:06

What excatly is wrong with the post you are refering too Nothing at all but you are a shit stirrer nothing else another Troll who hides behind words and his computer to cause trouble
 Yes, Laddie you feel safe in your little world do you not, Wake up and face the real world but i guess you are too much of a Wimp for that 
Just as well you do live in the USA you would not survive among the Dog men over here they would run you off back to the nearest Airport with your tail between your legs

by ALPHAPUP on 24 June 2010 - 21:06

 Sitasmom .. i think your last post is a good commentary  referencing temperament and structure. here is another twist ... i do not know everyones geographic local .. my SV friends in Germany have a GSD club or MORE in about every township. where i live in the USA , my state has seen Schutzhubd go defunct !they cannot  Sch title their dogs . I don't feel that makes their dogs non- breed worthy .   [ there are other sports PSA , French  and Belgium Ring but these sports take not all GSDS . seeeing/eye could never do these ] ] . Nonetheless I have seen GSDs doing other  areas police, bomb. search and rescue , therapy ,service, military  ..... many which IMO are valuable dogs to breed to . let's keep in mind :  given proper structure ,  what we want for search and rescue is an entirely different set of behavioral traits than for police work . for over 20 years i couldn't get the gist of : the dog has to be korklassed and Sch  titled to be deemed breed worthy ! first if you have to korklasse your GSD to breed it .. then IMO -- you better  not even consider breeding because i think then --YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE HE*** YOU ARE LOOKING AT ...OR... WHAT THE HE** YOU ARE DOING !!! and when it comes to Corrupt organizations that have withered down the gene pool of the GSD , that have created such a schism of the two lines .. I don't feel that i have to step to their drum beat ... i don't know  others  stand on this forum .. but the  GSD STANDARD  is  the TRUE dogma that I submit to , my dog speaks for itself nor will I submit to out of line organizations . I have seen people with no GSD expertise be able to identify what a 'GOOD ' GSD is . they can see a dog work , it's temperamnet ,and funny ... they get a gist as to whether they are put together well. yet we in the GSD world need to be told who and what are dogs are ?? OH Heavens... ANYBODY that has a great GSD ... believe me .. they know what I am stating here. 


by judron55 on 24 June 2010 - 22:06

steveie wonder saw more than you steve1....I can't even dicipher what the heck you're saying....I have a suggestion for you the ultimate tough guy...check your pamper...you've sprung a leak:-)

by Gustav on 24 June 2010 - 23:06

The criteria to breed should be based in the dog's ability both mentally and physically to work....absent any disqualifying faults. Should dogs that don't have the ability to go over a six ft straight wall be bred....I think not, should dogs that are run off the field or drop off the sleeve with pressure be bred....I think not, should dogs that would run from gunfire or tuck their tail under their belly from gunfire be bred.....I think not, should dogs that are so hyperactive as to literally run their pads into blood if on concrete be bred......I think not, should dogs that have the worried look in their eyes from noises, new places, or strangers be bred.....I think not. Years ago you seldom saw a German Shepherd with the traits I have listed above, so breeding them wasn't an issue. Today I see GS like this all the time and many of them are titled dogs and they ARE bred because they are titled.....I THINK NOT. I am NOT against titled dogs before somebody misinterprets what I am saying, I am against dogs with the physical/mental deficiencies I have listed above and whether people like it or not some of these type dogs are titled....So I don't think they should be bred!!!JMO


by troublelinx on 25 June 2010 - 00:06

I am not well versed in the Schutzhund sport or its history so here is a question.

I have read that the sport started as a breed suitability test then changed to more of a competition.  when sch was used for breed suitabitity test was it viewed as pass its breed worthy and fail not breedworthy?

I also know that there were more or different tests.  Was it more difficult to pass the test?  Were the decoys harder on the dogs then they are today?

Also are there some dogs that are breed and further more would improve the breed that would not excell at schutzhund? 
On a side note I thing that there is some validity to the trial as at least a marker to test the quality of the dog.  Reason being handlers often say after a trial thinks like "my dog never did that..."  After the trial they may be surprised at their preformance, and not in a good way.

didnt run a spell check, sorry!!!


by troublelinx on 25 June 2010 - 00:06

More questions...

I read/here people choosing the other dog for breeding based on strengths / weaknesses of both.  Obviously there are few perfect dogs.  At what point do these weaknesses become unforgivable. 


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