User information about aristianM

Pedigree Database

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MainHELP. Dog drinking too much water7.4 years ago
MainHELP. Dog drinking too much water7.5 years ago
MainHELP. Dog drinking too much water7.5 years ago
MainHELP. Dog drinking too much water7.5 years ago
MainHELP. Dog drinking too much water7.5 years ago
German Shepherd Doggood 4/5/6 star food11.1 years ago
German Shepherd DogLets have some Dignified Pictures11.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogDifficult situation. I need your help!!!14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogDifficult situation. I need your help!!!14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogDifficult situation. I need your help!!!14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogDifficult situation. I need your help!!!14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogValentino @ 4 months14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogOpinons on my dog's pedigree14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogValentino @ 4 months14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogValentino @ 4 months14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogValentino @ 4 months14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogFrom Germany-Pakistan14.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogCritique away - Lana 11 months 14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogJAIN14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogJAIN14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogJAIN14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogHealth tests14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogWhat line is this being bred?14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogValentino =D14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogValentino =D14.9 years ago


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