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Pedigree Database

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German Shepherd DogZhengDe Didl14.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogYun Trebortim13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogYola Trebortim13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogYoda Trebortim13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogYerom Trebortim13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogYazon Trebortim13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogYaguar von WeiSheng12.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogYagi Trebortim13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogXennah von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogSG Xavannah von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogXanto von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogSG Xandra vom Westervenn SCHH114.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogXafra von MingQuan16.1 years ago
German Shepherd DogWonnie von WeiSheng12.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogWishky von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWinston von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWinga von TianYi12.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogWessel von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWesly von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWerra von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWatzo von XinShiJie16.1 years ago
German Shepherd DogWank von YongLi13.1 years ago
German Shepherd DogWalther von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWally von Haus Paris13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogWalky von Bad-Boll14.9 years ago


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