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German Shepherd DogV U-CH Alta-Tollhaus Bono SCHH1 T1 FO PA CL1-R ND UNJCH UJJ U-CAX FDCH-S TFE-II HIT TT CGCAbsolutely STUNNING!!! ....10.4 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Pantera Laskovy Zver s Bratskogo Vzmorja KD-1Sure hope someone clipped this boys nails after this photo. They are disgustingly too long! ....11.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogOlivia Vom Kistha HausWell, if Olivia is anything like the rest of her Kistha Haus family, you have yourself a mighty fine GSD. Good luck with her and keep her photo and progress updated. She's beautiful. ....11.8 years ago
Pembroke Welsh CorgiGayhearts BT To Be Proud Of NA, OA, CGC,Still going strong "little Buddy" at 15.8 years old. Still attached at my hip. My best friend, teacher and soul-mate I could ever have. ....11.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogCH.RUS, RKF, CACIB Koldovstvo Ramina IPO - 1I see where her Daughter, Yantariya of Flokish Fest HD-A, gets her looks from. ....11.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogYantariya of Flokish Fest HD-AThis is a very beautiful female. Lovely color/pigmentation, and sturcture. Her eyes are very forgiving and attractive. ....11.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogV58 BSZS 2011 Roni vom Funken Spiel IPO1Indeed, super nice male. Strong structure, not over angulated. Strong in the hocks and pasterns. Nice pigmentation along with a friendly expression. ....12.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogCallyYou're kidding me right? IMO, this photo should be deleted! ....13.5 years ago
German Shepherd DogUtzon's Omi ExtraBeautiful! ....13.8 years ago
German Shepherd DogD-Simon vom Stabil Fels BHCongrats Cindymp. Super young dog with a very nice pedigree. ....13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogDuno Zamat (Dano) USPCA, NAPWADA, FDLEIndeed bazza. And he's a well accomplished boy too! All the better. ....13.5 years ago
German Shepherd DogIanca von SpitzbubezwingerShe's cute. Looks like a little spit-fire.=) ....13.6 years ago
German Shepherd DogLee-Roy vom Butjenter LandIndeed, lovely male. ....14.1 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Yoschy von der Döllenwiese SCHH3, BSP (1994), LGA-V (1994 Vice Sieger)bundishep, Ah, I got it now. :-) Yes, he was a fantastic dog. ....13.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogKing Black Creek ValleyVery nice color/pigmentation. I would love to see this youngster grow. Post some stacked photos too! This little fella needs to be shown off. ....13.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogMy Toby Princehappytogo, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Your Toby looked like a sweet boy. I love the royal, pure look in his eye. Brandi ....14 years ago
German Shepherd DogSG Paskal Wolfentals BHVery nice male! ....13 years ago
German Shepherd DogNero vom Haus Bock SCHH 2,ED:NORMALI'm sorry, but the photo of this dog is a poor representation of the GSD breed. Poor back posture and angulation. Not to mention the hip bones are showing = poor weight condition. ....13 years ago
German Shepherd DogSG Ule vom Haus Dexel IPO 1 BH AD Very handsome as well. ....13.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogG Dasko von der Rennbahn IPO3, FH1 - (2015 WUSV)Nice male. But has a lot of drive that needs to be "capped". Nice pedigree. Nice structure and pigment. ....12.9 years ago
German Shepherd DogV58 BSZS 2011 Roni vom Funken Spiel IPO1What happened to Roni? It is so upsetting when our beloved family members pass, especially at such a young age. My condolences, Brandi ....12.5 years ago
German Shepherd DogVA1(RU) VA1(UKR) Akselbrunnen Daggert IPO1Extremely handsome male! Too bad he'n not here in the states.=( ....13.2 years ago
German Shepherd DogV Yoschy von der Döllenwiese SCHH3, BSP (1994), LGA-V (1994 Vice Sieger)bundishep, What are you talking about...sleeper BSP? ....13.7 years ago
German Shepherd DogLV & EE CH Vanho Lehmburg SCHH1, ADVery nice GSD. ....14.1 years ago
German Shepherd DogAndo vom Tsa-Li BH,CGC,OPOTA CERTIFIED POLICE DOGHappy Birthday Ando. I continue to miss terribly. Till we meet again my faithful friend. Love, Mom ....12.1 years ago


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