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Pembroke Welsh Corgi -
CH PL Allimac's Modern Lisiura
Sire Born: 05. July 1996
PKR. 27553
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CH Borgatun's Y'Maxymilian 1993SF 31737/94 HD- Sire | KANS MVA POHJ MVA Blands Gamblin Man 1985NO 3512/85 HD- Sire | GB CH Peggysmill Footpad KCSB 0136BT HD- Sire |
GB CH Blands Imagination KCSB 3252BS HD- Dam | ||
CH ( INTL, SE , NO) Borgatun's Urchin 1989N 33095/89 HD- Dam | CH (NO) Jofren Nabob 1986NO 6069/89 HD- Sire | |
CH( INTL, SE, NO) Borgatun's Ophelia NO 9144/84 HD- Dam | ||
FIN CH,FIN CH Allimac's Rhytm'n'Blues FIN CH, 1993SF 47119/93 HD- Dam | CH FIN Briardale Eclipse of Kilvewood 1984SF 035170/85 (KCJ6253604K01 ) HD- Sire | GB CH Kilvewood Over The Moon KCSB 3546BQ HD- Sire |
Briardale Miss Moppett HD- Dam | ||
V91 JWSG-91 V92 FIN Allimac's Waffel n Cream 1990SF SF16275/90 HD- Dam | Sasalu Minstrel 1979SF 08482A/79 HD- Sire | |
Natural Lollipop 1986SF 28885/86 HD- Dam |
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